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1926 cape furniture & paint choices. New kitchen and main floor layout

6 years ago

Hi all,

We have lived in our wonderful 1926 cape for 5 years. It came with a horrible, narrow galley kitchen that was last renovated in 1985. The house has some interesting architectural details, like very deep arches between the living and dining rooms that have built in closets.

Dimensions: Living Room: 19x13. Dining room: 13x12. Kitchen: 7'6"x 13' (long wall) and 7'6" (short wall). Den: 10x13. The arch is about 21" wide and will be replicated in a smaller fashion between kitchen and dining room.

(please forgive clutter...was cleaning up Xmas. I can take new pics if requested)

We are currently renovating the kitchen and will be refinishing the flooring of the entire main floor. I will be painting the main floor and selecting all new living room and dining room seating. I generally like most of the paint choices I make for a long time, and conversely, hate the furniture I pick out almost immediately. I pick the wrong color, style, scale...all of it. And then I am also terrible at arranging my terrible furniture.

So, I was wondering if you all would help me figure out what furniture I need for the living room and how I would arrange it. I am leaning toward saddle or carmel color leather couch with some other color leather chairs. I have dogs, an adult kid, a teenager, and a grandbaby toddler. 'nuf said?

For paint: I'm planning to paint kitchen and dining room in SW Buff

upper cabs in SW They call it Mellow

Living room is currently a honey yellow (yes. I do love yellows!) but I'm willing to change it. Should I paint the living room a darker green or darker color and leave the dining room and kitchen same color?

Somebody, anybody tell me how I should paint these arches. Do I consider the part between the doors as ceiling and paint it white? I hate the current brown.

Is this too much for one post? I can break it up if that helps. Thanks all for your time.


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