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Small cracks appearing in grout, new shower. Should I be concerned?

6 years ago
last modified: 6 years ago

We recently had our bathroom gutted and completely redone. We also had a Schluter shower installed by a certified Schluter installer whod installed quite a few before ours.

When it was time, the tile was grouted and cured. We then had sealer put over the grout. We allowed time for the sealer to cure properly, as instructed .

Please see the photos of new cracks in our grout. Should I be concerned or is this typical? Ami making a mountain out of a molehill?

A bit more info:

Early on, our contractor discovered that our floor needed to be leveled out. He did level it, a fact we could check ( and did) both at floor level and by checking the supports under the floor, in the crawl space.

It’s still level today ( I checked).

We felt our contractor was very careful. He certainly didn’t rush the job.. At one point, just before the shower floor was installed, tbe tile installer discovered that he had mistakenly tilted the tile at the shower entrance so it slanted 1/4 inch towards the main bathroom floor - instead of slanting it into the shower, toward the shower floor and drain.

This would have resulted in water dripping down the shower door and toward the bathroom floor.. We would never have known of the error, at least, not before we used the shower. And yet the shower installer took the time to not only inform us of his error but to correct it.

I’m also wondering if I’m contributing to the problem. I not only squeegee our shower door after each shower but also go over the tiles and dry what I can before letting the ceiling fan take over. Could I be hurting the grout in some way?

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