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Tile shower curb grout cracked, hollow inside. What are my options?

2 years ago
last modified: 2 years ago

Hi! I have a tile shower curb and I noticed that all the grout on the inside top corner was all cracked and breaking away. The shower is 4 years old and I discovered this problem when I was preparing to reseal the floor area with silicone. It appears that a portion of the curb interior is hollow, and if I push really hard the top piece of tile will flex a bit. What are my options to fix this?

In this picture, the hollow area seems to be where I have placed the red line. I would estimate it's about approximately 1"x1" hollow section running where the line is. If I tap the bottom half of the vertical tile it sounds like there is backing material behind it.

If I install new grout, I'm assuming I'll have the same problem eventually. Perhaps I could try to pack as much grout as I can into the void?

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