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Garden Tour and Rose Photos Galore

Daisy in the Southern Hemisphere asked for more photos as the weather gets colder for her and heats up here... so here’s a few shots of roses. Some are from early this morning, some are from a couple of weeks ago, when blooms peaked here.


Soeur Emmanuelle and Iceberg

Souvenir de Louis Amade (aka Threads and Crafts)

Schon Ingeborg and Iceberg (I have it in shade with not so great circulation, so it has mildew. Don’t hold it against it)

Falstaff and Iceberg (I really like Iceberg to fill in all the prominent spots and add continuity since I have a large space with lots of landscaping)


Archduke Charles

Own root Chrysler Imperial (looks so purple-red like Oklahoma to me ... I have a few

own root like this from ARE)

More photos coming up...

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