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Argh. Got the car serviced.

One of my brake lights was not working, was due for an oil change, so I called for an appointment last Thursday. Mentioned the brake light. Dropped it off yesterday morning and again mentioned the brake light. Got a message 5 hours later that it is ready for pick up. My husband dropped me off. I told her glad the brake light is fixed, since I had a police car behind me the day before. She was like, oh, I forgot to tell the technician. Let me call to get one here. In the meantime the technician can already open it up. Shouldn’t be more than 25 minutes. 45 minutes later the wrong bulb was delivered. At this point I was not going to wait for that guy to go back and exchange it. Asked if they can do it right away if I come back around 8:30 this morning. She said of course. Went there this morning. Guy says he just has two ground technicians and to come back after 10 (insert how many technicians does it take to change a light bulb joke). Also the girl was just an associate and he is the manager, so what does she know. I was going to go somewhere else, but was not going to give him my by now free lightbulb. Went back at 10:30, just took about 20 minutes that time. My husband was going on a business trip today, so 20 minutes before he was going to leave he told me we are going to check it’s working. Pouring rain, but ok. Turned the car on and could not change gears! All three brake lights on even though I wasn’t on the brakes. The gears worked again after turning it off and back on, the lights stayed on. I was going to go back to the shop in the morning, but my husband wanted to follow me. Probably a good thing since I had to brake hard once. With him behind he knew it wouldn’t show. He went in there with me and told them in no uncertain terms that they will take care of this right away and figure this out to keep his wife safe (kind of cute after 25 years of marriage). 2 hours and 200 dollars later I was finally out of there. New brake light switch. This was already after a nice discount. The girl apologized that she pushed the guys in the morning to get me out of there, so they didn’t look if it works properly. Thank you for letting me rant. Have been thinking about getting a new car, but as some of you here I just don’t like the new ones.

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