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Al's Gritty Mix - Am I doing this right?

6 years ago

Total plant newb here, first post even!

Last summer I decided to start some potted plants for reals. Of course, not knowing any better, I went and put them all in “potting mix”. :/ By the time I realized my mistake (I managed to kill two spider plants !!!) it was late winter so I’ve waited to re-pot until Spring. I’ve managed to keep everything alive using Al’s advice under “dealing with water retentive soils”, and now Spring is almost here!

But before I get too excited I want to make sure I’ve got a good plan in place so I don’t just repeat last year. I’ve now read just about every iteration of these posts:



So my plan is this. Tell me if I’ve interpreted something wrong:

Buy some Turface MVP, Gran-i-Grit, and pine fines, and make the gritty mix (1:1:1) for all my plants.

Re-pot – remove all the bad soil (potting mix) from the roots

Root prune – maybe?

Plant in the gritty mix

Water well and fertilize with Foliage Pro 9-3-6 (3/4 to 1 tsp per gallon)

Protect plants in the shade for a week so they can recover from the trauma

Water weekly with fertilizer mixed in, as above

Did I interpret all of the information in the links above correctly?

Also I have some questions...

1) Amounts. I have found pine fines of the right size in 2 c.f. bags. However the places selling gran-i-grit and Turface sell them in 50 lb bags and I have no idea how to compare to make sure I’m buying approximately 1:1:1 amounts.

2) Speaking of amounts – I’m guessing it’s 1:1:1 by volume not by weight. Right? So if I take a small bucket, fill it with pine fines, fill the same size bucket with turface and another same size bucket with gran-i-grit, and mix them all together, that’s the right amount of everything?

3) Should I root-prune when I re-pot my plants? Some of them are already really stressed from living in such bad soil for so long, and I will have to totally remove all that bad soil when I re-pot them. Would pruning the roots help in the long term? Or is it possible the root pruning + total movement to a different soil would be too much for them?

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