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My Backyard Fruit Orchard

6 years ago

I've been a lurker on this site for a while and have been an avid backyard orchardist in the "Valley of the Heart's Delight" for 5-6 yrs now. My little backyard orchard is pretty much complete, although I am hoping to get one last peach tree (Cal Red), but we'll see how that goes. I thought I would post a list of my backyard orchard fruit, which has taken on a life all by itself - kinda crazy now but it's so much fun and so tasty. Some trees I just planted this year (Pluots), and several peach and cherry varieties have been in the ground between 3-6 yrs now. And btw, Baby Crawford peaches are amazing (yes it's true), and grown in the right places in CA, are the most compelling and tasty peaches on the face of the earth (Cal Red is just behind it). Here it goes (more or less in ripening order by variety):


- Fall Gold Raspberry

- Willamette Red Raspberry

- Boysenberry

- Olallieberry

- Siskiyou Blackberry

- Loganberry


- Brooks

- Tulare

- Coral

- Royal Ranier

- Ranier

- Lapin

- Stella

- Skeena

Peaches & Nectarines:

- Gold Dust Peach

- Eva's Pride Peach

- Independence Nectarine

- Mid Pride Peach

- Suncrest Peach

- Kim Elberta Peach

- Red Baron Peach

- Baby Crawford Peach

- Elberta Peach

- Fay Elberta Peach

- Champagne Peach

- Kaweah Peach

- Indian Free Peach

- Fairtime Peach

- Carnival Peach

- Autumn Marble Peach

- Autumn Marvel Peach

- Pumpkin Spice Peach


- White Knockout

- Golden Sweet

- Blenheim

- Moorpark

- Early Autumn

Pluots & Plums:

- Splash Pluot

- Late Santa Rosa Plum

- Flavor King Pluot

- Flavor Grenade Pluot

- Flavor Finale Pluot


- Meyer Lemons

- Italian Genoa Lemons

- Bearrs Limes

- Clementine Mandarins


- Seckel Pears

- Golden Delicious Apples

- Parfianca Pomegranates

- Pineapple Guavas

- Artichokes (picked 50+ in 2017)

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