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To move or not to move roses, that is the question......

I have one spot in the garden where most of my roses doesn't do well. The area is very sunny and there aren't any big trees around it. However I suspect there may be factors that I have not considered. The roses in this area are as follows: Jude the Obscure, Crown Princess Margareta, Graham Thomas, Eden and Don Juan.

I am afraid to move them as the austins are hard to find. I have found them only once and grabbed them as soon as I've seen them. Now that spring is coming soon, I am thinking of moving them to another spot but in my experience moving roses has its own risk. In my previous experience it does weakened the plants (especially the first year) and in some cases has killed some in the process as well. I could always try one at a time to see but should I take the risk or should I try other methods such as fertilizing more to see. What do you think?

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