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Drip irrigation, and fertilizing

6 years ago

– thinking of doing drip irrigation in the veggie garden this summer.

Can anyone weigh the pros vs cons of drip TAPE vs. emitter tubing in annual plantings (that will be re-configured and rotated each season, so the lines will not be in place longer than a single season?

If I want to fertilize using a hose-end fertilizer sprayer and can connect it to the tubing, can I do that without clogging worries? Would the sprayer/pump reduce the output at all? If I did this, what is a good fertilizer, ( does not need to be organic, although if it’s a good one I’ll consider it) and good brand of fertilizer pump/sprayer to use?

Do I really need a backflow preventer if the hose going to my garden is 200 feet long and down a slope? I can’t imagine any fertilizer water would backflow 200 feet up a hill.

How do I know how much water I’m putting out? Has anyone tried digging a hole under one of the emitters and sticking a container in it, to see how long it takes to fill?
