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Anyone every had an allergic reaction to medication/antibiotic?

Remember I mentioned in my thread about taking probiotics with antibiotics and son was going to be starting a new stronger antibiotic for his acne? Well we think he had an allergic reaction...luckily nothing serious. Only a rash.

He took one pill Sunday night, 300 mg of Clydamaycin (sp?) and he texted me from school the next day saying he had a rash on his arms. My first thought was the next antibiotic. He had a mild rash from his waste up and down his arms. Luckily I didn't press him to take another pill that same morning. He was supposed to take 2 a day.

I called the dr. the next day and they agreed that it sounded like he had an allergic reaction to the new medicine. She's prescribing him something else in a different "family" of antibiotics that he'll start on Sunday.

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