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Do you ever miss your previous home?

7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago

Sigh. Smile. Cry. Bittersweet.

The realtor's photos of the house my late husband and I built in 2005 and I sold in 2015, a year after his death, are still on the web.

Looking through the photos, I have so many mixed emotions for so many reasons. While it was wise for me to downsize and move near my son, I miss my former home.

We designed the interior floor plan and everything ourselves, with my husband choosing the color scheme. So many good memories of the ten years spent there.

The gardens and outdoor spaces were my designs and my hard work, with my husband helping with the heavy work. I spent hours everyday, from spring to fall, working in those gardens.

It was heavenly, but I don't know if I have it in me to work so hard on the outdoors at my downsize, but I miss the ambiance, the flowers, the places to sit.

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