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sergeantcuff likes 2 comments on a discussion: Article: 17 things that Rich People Completely Ruined For The Poor
sergeantcuff likes a comment on a discussion: A great summery tote UPDATED: w/ unexpected purchase
Commented: Let’s talk “appropriate”……… Gosh Kswl, I hope you didn’t think I meant you! I went gray because I am cheap and too lazy to book the number of appointments I would need. The person who said that to me is also lazy and cheap and...
Commented: Where to stay in London? I prefer to stay central, like Bloomsbury, but prices have really gone up recently. A few months ago I stayed in Pimlico and really liked it. Despite having lots of budget hotels, the restaurants a...
in Home Decorating Conversations  
Commented: "Later" careers ... I cannot relate at all. I left a professional job in my late twenties when I had my first child. I had a long commute, my husband had an even longer commute and travelled for his job, my parents were...
in Home Decorating Conversations