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Why can't you plant large conifers close to each other?

And I don't mean screening or hedging purposes like yews or green giant thujas. So a lot of you say they should be far apart from each other but look at wild conifers. The cryptomerias and hinoki forests I see in Japan have their trees like only 5 feet apart from each other and yet they live hundreds of years in that condition. I've been told before that they should get some air circulation but wild conifers don't get air circulation with such close proximity to each other and they seem to be fine? I also have 3 old huge eastern redcedars in my backyard only about 3 feet apart from each other and they look super healthy. They were intentionally planted so you can't say its only the wild conifers that acclimate to that tight condition. I would like to have sort of a mini mixed conifer forest in my future yard one day and wondering if thats possible.

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