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What large shrub/small tree to plant close to the house

10 years ago

Hi, first time on this board. I'm looking for some advice to replace what I think was a cedar tree that didn't quite make it through our brutal winter here in Chicago. In the pictures I attached I'm looking to replace the evergreen on the left that just about flattened out from the weight of a late season heavy and just didn't snap back. In a way, I'm kind of glad , the tree was getting kind of scraggly.

Any as you can see the yard is heavily wooded--I would like to add a dash of red fall foliage as most trees turn a brilliant yellow--pretty but kind of monotonous. Ideally I would like something with a three season interest--flowers in the spring, nice summer foliage and good fall color.It will be on the south side of the house--partial shade due to the woods

I was thinking of serviceberry in a clump form---it seems to have all the characteristics I am looking for. My question is how quickly does it reach full mature size--supposedly 20-30 feet. Can it be kept smaller through pruning without ruining the plant. I am looking for some type of large shrub that will fill the space near the window, but be able to be planted close to the house.

Any other suggestions--flowering dogwoods? magnolia? witchazel? crabapples? ornamental pears? Any advice greatly appreciated, thanks

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