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Decorating the front entry hallway

7 years ago

I wish we had a little entry nook where I could stick a small table and lamp, but unfortunately, when you walk into my house, you immediately see th stairway on the right, the dining room on the left and the hallway to the kitchen straight ahead. Currently I have a large dark brown mirror on one side of the hallway, and a photo collage and 8x10 photo on the other side (both also dark). I’d like to lighten up this area a bit so I figured the easiest thing would be to change out the mirror. Found one at homegoods and one at target. Let me know if you think either of these would work better! Or if you have other suggestions!

Current hallway and mirror:

Alternative 1: Silver/wood mirror from target (this one is about the same size as my current mirror):

Close up of frame...

Alternative #2: champagne colored mirror from homegoods (design is the same as the current mirror except it’s a bit taller and wider):

Heres a pic showing size difference of two new ones:

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