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Staghorn Fern purchase. Zone Mistake??

Laurie (8A)
6 years ago

I have loved Staghorn Ferns forever. Daunted at the thought of killing something so lovely mounted to a board, and the price too; I never bought one. For the first time, ever; I ran across very young $7.00 plants in 4 inch pots and grabbed one, in a total state of excitement and shock. I knew a fair bit about the care, but realise now I don't know much about their rate of growth. I know they want a basket and it sounds preferably a board to be mounted on. I did not know they quickly become large and heavy.

Any one with experience growing them inside who can share your expertise on care and how vigorous they are, Thank you in advance. I am wondering if I should even attempt to mount it and let it grow for fear it will become a huge heavy hunk too large for me to meet it's needs.

Thank you. These things are too beautiful to not give the right home to.

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