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Al's 5/1/1 mix for Fiddle leaf fig/houseplants

hello everyone,

i'm reading lots about FLF care and I'm planning out the repotting of my FLF next year. i bought my 5' tall FLF 3 weeks ago and i probably missed the window for repotting so i will wait for next june. In regards to the 511 mix, can anyone or Al himself please clarify if it's peat moss or spaghnum moss that i should buy? they have both at the garden store. I'm still looking for fine fir bark but i think I'm getting close.

is it true that after i mix everything together, i should wait a week or 2 before i use it for my FLF?

will this 511 mix be the go to mix for all my houseplants? i was overly ambitious and in addition to my beautiful 5' FLF i also picked up a ZZ plant, jade plant and a small propagated FLF from someone i know. im not planning to repot those yet but was looking ahead in the future when they outgrow their pots.

thank you

for reading my long pot and your advice

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