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Need help with lawn "crabgrass" maybe it's a different weed???

Dylan Watkins
6 years ago


See the attached pictures. What is this darn weed? Is this crabgrass? I've tried crabgrass treatments for three years now...during the time when crabgrass is germinating, and still have this weed invading my lawn. I live in Milwaukee, WI.

The thick blades really are sharp and hard under foot. Also, when the rest of the lawn goes dormant in July/August these things take off and kill off the grass next to it. In my pictures you can see the brown areas where this weed/crabgrass sucks the moisture from my healthy lawn and is slowly killing it inch-by-inch. I know it may not look too terrible, but it bothers the heck out of me!!!

Thanks for any help you can offer!!

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