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Exciting times...and Off can be a bad thing

I've been barely here for a while. First a death in the family, then we were on a garden walk. I worked like mad from March to June.

We have a doe and two fawns in the neighborhood, cute as can be, but they ate the petunias three days before the walk, the hollyhocks two days before, and some of the daylilies and an ivy geranium the night before. The day of the walk was 99 degrees and humid; they sold a total of 61 tickets. On the plus side, I got everything mulched and weeded and shipshape.

About then I decided the deer had to be stopped. Since Liquid Fence wasn't stopping them, I added hot sauce to the mix and sprayed a few of the hostas with Off. I thought it tastes terrible, might work! What it did was burn the hostas. Really fried their leaves. Silver lining - either the hot sauce or Off finally stopped the deer. They haven't been back since.

I thought we'd had the worst weather possible for the garden walk. Ha! Five days later we were hit with tornadoes and 100 mph straight line winds. We were lucky. The big damage was north of us, and we're in a low spot, so the winds didn't hurt the house. There were branches down all over (and one tree). They're still dropping a week later. Lost power for a while and had to toss some food, but it could have been a lot worse.

This branch actually fell two days before the storm. I had time to take off all the side limbs before the big wind, and it didn't budge an inch.

Fell in-between two small hostas, so that was good. I'm hoping it stays put until fall, because it's too heavy to control and is going to flatten anything under it once we cut the end off.

Today I dug out a bunch of brush so we can get to some big downed branches, and I'm seeing a potential hosta bed. Well, after a lot more digging and a deer proof fence.

I've had some fun exciting times, too. The midwest regional conference was wonderful, but that's going in another post. After seeing all the gardens and the hostas Rob Mortko has waiting to be tissue cultured, I'll need an extra bed.

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