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Breck's is having their Rainbow of Roses (5 for $49) plus $25 off sale

Hi folks

I remember last year that we went nuts with the Brecks roses where they pick 5 roses in each of the targeted colors (purple, pink, orange, yellow, red) that come individually labeled as bare roots. At the present sale price of $49 for the collection, they're under $10 a rose. Last year they sent healthy and entirely plausible roses for my zone, and they seem to send the same package of rainbow roses to the same zone (so you don't get any variety necessarily if you order two sets).

Furthermore, if you order $50 or more, you get an automatic $25 off coupon that pops up on the screen. The rainbow collection doesn't quite trigger it, so you simply HAVE to order another rose for free (smile). I threw in Parade Day that looks like an intriguing pink/white stripe for $29, so I ended up getting 6 roses for a little over $70 plus shipping. No code needed, it just pops up when your order gets over $50.

Fair warning, if you order you have to post what you get as the rainbow selections so others in your zone can decide if they want to indulge.

Annnnnnd, they're off! It's at


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