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You simply need flamenco Rosita

Never in a million years did I think I'd be promoting a hot pink rose . But I added it to my chamblees order last year , last minute. Plant it and forgot it .. Until it filled out just about the whole 8 by 8 bed ! It arrived with blooms and never stopped. To be honest I'm not sure if I accidentally planted it on some kinda mutant soil or what , it has been that good ! It grows like a firework, and puts perfect buds and blooms all over these self imposed laterals, beautiful in every stage. The rose opens up like an Austin , has a pleasant fragrance and no disease. I'm going to try for a full bush shot when more open Or when I get a overcast day . This is my best rose as far as production goes . It's really hard to capture the color accurate, but it has a velvety look to it .

Can you see all the buds ? It's unreal

A bush shot will be way more impressive when it fully is in bloom but you can see how elegant it is

This photo is pretty crummy , the rose is really quite large and falls so gracefully! Just take my word for it . You need it . :)

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