Show us your gardens - a photo thread - April 2017
7 years ago
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- 7 years ago
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Show us your gardens - a photo thread - March 2017
Comments (8)That does look hopeful, spedigrees, and water in the brook is a wonderful thing. I second the pancake placement, Jane. As if the cold snap wasn't enough, the NWS is talking about "... Elevated risk for fire spread today... Even drier air will overspread southern New England today with minimum relative humidities only 10 to 20 percent expected across much of the region. Northwest winds will not be as gusty as Saturday, but still quite strong with frequent gusts around 25 mph. This combination will lead to an elevated risk for fire spread. Winds should diminish fairly quickly early this evening, after sunset." I do have one unexpected sign of impending spring. My clivia 'Golden Dragon' has never bloomed in the winter when it's supposed to - it always waits until it goes out on the deck (around the beginning of June) and then blooms in July. But this year it started showing a bud on February 28 - probably earlier but I wasn't looking for one. and today the blossom is looking serious even though it's hiding between the leaves! And last year's flower stalk has two seed pods on it! I think I'll wait and see if the seed pods/fruit ripen and then maybe try to germinate the seeds (if there are any in there). Claire...See MoreShow Us Your Gardens - A photo Thread - July 2017
Comments (54)I love Annabelle as well - the color that goes with anything, the long bloom time, and the full heads. I find the newer ones look overblown to me with bloom heads as big as my head. I don't find that most years Annabelle takes much to keep it from flopping, though this year it is a bit splayed because of the many hard downpours and even a hail storm with 3/8" stones that lasted something like 10 minutes. It has a lot of company in the group of "could look better" plants....See MoreShow Us Your Landscape/Gardens - A Photo Thread - April 2020
Comments (48)Due to a knee injury, I don’t downhill ski any more, but even when I still skied, no one ever did more than one run with me. ;>) I didn’t learn to alpine ski as a kid because I was clutzy and because OH is mostly too flat and too warm, so learning when I was in my mid20s, I never totally got the hang of it. I was a slow skier, though I enjoyed it. So I would go to the ski area with others, but mostly skied on my own. (DH was a beautiful skier having started as a young kid since there was the community ski slope in his back yard, literally. Parents ran the tow. He raced in HS along with the other kids who learned to ski in his back yard.). MoreShow Us Your Landscape/Gardens - A Photo Thread - April 2022
Comments (38)I love creeping phlox and envy my neighbors who have swaths of it draping over walls! I have neither decent phlox nor a wall to drape it over lol. So today I did something I've never done in my gardening life. I went to the garden center and bought some annuals before Mother's Day. I don't usually do this because it's just way too early here. But the last few years one can go first thing in the morning the day after Mother's Day and there is nothing left. I don't know if it's a supply issue or the supposed new hordes of gardeners since the pandemic, or a combination of both. So by the time I usually go, early June, there's definitely nothing left. So I bought a few annuals for my pots, and then got home and tried to figure out how to keep them. This was my solution: The frame contributes nothing lol. It was an old cold frame I dragged out, hoping to start my dahlia tubers early, only to find out after dragging a window from the very back of the garage that the window is too small to cover the frame. So the frame is there till I find another window or decide to move the frame back. But my setup is a plastic bin upside down. Right now I have it propped up on bricks, because the sun IS warm, although the wind is horrifically cold - worked outside in my winter coat and a hat today! Tonight I'll go remove the bricks (or pop them under and inside the bin for some radiant heat. I have a smaller bin all ready to go over that flat of impatiens, with two containers of water for radiant heat as well. I think it's probably overkill - it's supposed to be about 40 degrees tonight - but these babies were in a very warm green house so I don't want them going into shock lol. So hopefully I'll get them through next week and the danger of frost! Also, here's a pic of my Quail daffodils. Love these late little bloomers! :) Dee...See MoreRelated Professionals
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