Final bathroom decisions...
7 years ago
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Comments (22)
- 7 years ago
- 7 years agolast modified: 7 years ago
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What was your best bathroom remodeling decision?
Comments (180)@k Sissy, I dry all my shower walls, caulking at the floor junction, and corners at the floor. Info this every time. I have not had to "clean" my shower in 3 years. I have only cleaned the cast iron floor as needed, because I don't wipe that down daily. Love the microfiber towel. Mines very thick and is 20x40". It is so absorbent it could dry 2 showers before I'd have to wring it out. It's hard/slow for me to hold the squeegee just right to make the perfect swipe on walls and glass. The towel is a breeze. I've asked people if they had to wipe down a nice car, would they squeegee it? No, they'd use a towel. No connection to this company. I've read that Korean microfiber is the best. I wash mine in very warm water, 120f. MoreDecisions, decisions - Tile around the bathroom walls?
Comments (22)Just my 1/2 cent. I would tile the entire wall, shower and behind toilet. It is the visual entry wall from your door entrance. I realize a curtain needs to be closed for the most part to dry, but i open mine for the rest of the day because it opens up the room, and i like my tile. It goes all the way up to a post and beam ceiling. I'm not sure why it bugs me to see so many breaks and jags in tile these days, up down and across, even stair stepping...shower steam and moisture does effect the wall above eventually and the wall towards the toilet just by the direction of your shower head. But more to the point is when this trend started. Having been in hundreds of NYC bathrooms original build from the turn of the century thru the 60's, they do not jog tile up down and around in some decorative way. Stopping at the division before your sink area is fine as that division makes sense. A friend of mine stopped the tile like your last post, but it was a budget concern, so maybe that is the reasoning? The recent 'modernists' in bath design seem to do a great job with many of these issues by taking tile all the way around at the shower curtain/glass door line...the entire room, or tiling one entire wall. In the first pic above, the nice traditional bath with vintage fixtures, i would have stopped the tile just above, by one or two tiles, the window hardware, all the way around clean. That would fall just below the sconces. Just a thought, probably just me......See MoreMy bathroom redo - need help making final decisions!!
Comments (23)Hi all, Thanks for the replies! I went to order the darker hex and lo and behold it’s out of stock across the country till late February. Start date is January. So bummed! Ordered a sample of the lighter stuff but not feeling crazy about it. I had my heart set on hex, but should I just do a dark gray rectangle tile? As for the vanity, yes it is not my first choice. I have looked at everything out there including pedestals. I am picky! I was about to have one custom made, but thought this is a bathroom, how much do I want to spend on a room I spend the least amount of time in? So, now I’m just not sure....See MoreFinal decisions on bathroom layout options: which is better?
Comments (20)It's not a small thing but if you are going to be redoing X and then maybe Y later, it may make sense to just bite the bullet. For disclosure though I have moved or slightly enlarged 5-6 doors in plaster or plaster and lathe walls, a couple of doors only a matter of inches, because those inches made a difference in the design. I wrote this at the same time you were writing your post, but you would not necessarily need to have new millwork milled, particularly if the millwork is the same inside the closet, you could mine that. (Of course I have done *that* too, had knives cut, and I didn't think that was such a big deal either.) Of the grandfathering of the door width, I do get that. (But of course with our local L and I inspection they would not be paying enough attention to realize a door was moved a foot or so because they actually don't have the time and manpower to pay that much attention, that is a function of my location....See MoreRelated Professionals
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- 7 years agolast modified: 7 years ago
- 7 years agolast modified: 7 years ago
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