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Did you know it's illegal to send any plant/cuttings into California?

If you click on Forums – Exchanges and Trades, then open it, the California Gardening forum comes right up in the short list. I want to try to shake it up and get some activity there.

We need our garden discussion forum to be own trading group as it is illegal to ship ANY98q1 plant material- including all rose cuttings - into California (I called and seeds are ok for trading) without proper inspections and certificates. CDFA even notes it can have serious legal and financial consequences for the persons involved, although the important part is that it protects our food growing ecology.

I’ll post my have list shortly in comments on a post there (unfortunately, since I left the bay area it’s pretty normal stuff as I have critters that eat everything) and see if we can get some activity going in that right place. California rosarians come on over - there used to be a bunch here and I'm sure we can get it active again!

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