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Your opinion: meryll streeps speech at the Golden Globes tonight

7 years ago


Comments (137)

  • User
    7 years ago

    A couple of Roosevelt quotes have been on my mind often lately:


    Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else."

    "To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."

  • User
    7 years ago

    Such incredible animosity from the Trump supporters here.

    I find that on other forums here and across social media. You'd think supporting a winning candidate would have the opposite effect.

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    Here's more comments-- May- you're so right about the memorium-- even on the big screen in HD. who the heck could read them! Ben Stiller was parodying Joaquin Phoenix's appearance on last week's David Letterman. Phoenix must have been in an altered state and yes, that's how he looked and sounded! Yep on the plastered down hair--SJParker's looked awful too! Could someone have smoothed the flyaways on Jenn Aniston's? On the red carpet, Amy Adams' hair was falling apart, someone cleaned it up by showtime! Anne Hathway changed out of her gorgeous dress for the opening number, too bad! Angelina's emeralds looked fake to me too. No settings, just big stones. Sophia Loren- Her face didn't move an inch! Can you say Botox? And her messy hair and frilly dress with the hand on the hip LOL? She's an icon, that's for sure! Reese Witherspoon's dress, I really hated the top of it, but the bottom seemed very pretty. I thought that her hair was not at all flattering, but she wore it that way another year too. Didn't love Kate Winslet's hair or gown, but she looked regal and movie star-esque! I didn't see the Reader, so no comment, but she's looking matronly! Glamour? Natalie Portman, Alicia Keys, so many! Here is a link that might be useful: Joaquin Phoenix
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    Oh crap...I miss read it! LOL IMHO, those award shows are nothing more than an opportunity for the stars to once again pat themselves on the back and say aren't we wonderful. It's no longer about the quality of a movie or the artistic beauty of it, it's all about how well known and popular the actor in it is. Most movies these days are just awful with no depth or thought to them. I got so tired of buying into the hype of the trailers and walking away disappointed, I stopped looking to the theaters for entertainment quite a while ago and watch whatever I can find in Hulu plus or Netflix. The only reason I saw the Descendents is because DH wanted to rent from Redbox and asked if I'd choose a movie too. Next time I'll just save the money.
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    I didn't watch a whole lot of it, maybe half an hour or so - I get bored easily with awards shows, they're just public m@sturb@tion AFAIC - but WHAT was it with the one-shoulder thing this year? Seemed like every third woman had on a one-shoulder dress (and most of them not particularly flattering). I thought there were quite a few "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot" ;-) gowns in the part I saw. Zoe Saldana's purple fluffy number with the train - which reminded me of the crepe paper carnations that we all made in kindergarten for Mother's Day - and when she and that other woman in a black similarly-overdone thing (I think it was Carey Mulligan?) went down to the mike to present an award neither one could even walk in their gowns. Molly Ringwald's stylist should have been slapped for letting her out of the dressing room in that flappy purple thing. Lot of "fleshtone" dresses this year too, which was a little creepy. I did think Meryl Streep's gown was simultaneously age-appropriate and very elegant. I also enjoyed watching her laugh so many times, she looked like she has a really infectious, hearty laugh instead of the typical Hollywood titter. Mo'Nique looked sharp too, I thought - making absolutely no apologies for her size and I dug the diagonal pleating pattern. At first I was kind of "huh?" about the hair ornament but I decided I liked it.
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    Comments (31)
    patti43, I came across this thread while searching for movie ideas for Netflix. Are you aware you can watch movies on your computer? I watched this fantastic Aussie TV series on my computer, the first 3 seasons are the best, but I stuck with it until the end. The shows are like 40 minutes, if you get interrupted it starts where you left off when you return. Needless to say, Netflix is the best $9 we spend a month! Here is a link that might be useful: McLeod's Daughters
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  • H B
    7 years ago

    I can't hit "like" enough, VedaBeeps!!!

  • arkansas girl
    7 years ago

    I recall after Obama became president, seeing people posting on FB that it was the Apocalypse. He was called "The Anti-Christ" by many...hated by others that thought he was Muslim.

    If there would have been a better Democratic candidate for president, most likely Trump would not have won. Many people voted Trump simply because they hated Hillary more than Donald.

  • Janie
    7 years ago

    I honestly believe that the animosity from Trump supporters both here and elsewhere is in response to the over the top bitter animosity from the extremely vocal Hillary supporters who for some reason just can not stop beating a dead horse. Just my opinion, as usual, but it will not change.

    We can all agree to disagree or scroll on by or keep on airing our thoughts, which is why these forums exist! Nothing wrong with that.

  • Chi
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    I like that quote, Veda. Thank you. I will never support a President who I think is bad for the country, regardless of how other people chose to vote. I'm not going to "get over it" unless Trump somehow rises to the standards that I place on a President. So far, he's already failed in my book and he's not even in office yet.

    The fact that our president elect has meltdowns on Twitter is such an embarrassment. People who are willing to overlook the sexual harassment lawsuits, and the completely disgusting "locker room" talk because they want change so desperately...well, you got it. The entire world is laughing at us, except maybe Russia and North Korea. We elected a short-tempered reality tv star for President.

    I am very, very curious to see what he comes up with this week to address nepotism concerns. I noticed his son in law is now a senior advisor, and they seem to be getting around the nepotism by not giving him a salary. Seems wrong to me.

  • foggyj2
    7 years ago

    If he were smart, he would, on January 21st, post a tweet to tell us he's only tweeting when he has nothing else to do. Also, show his intellect, to try to bring the country together, as a president should do. If the undercurrent, heck, overcurrent, that exists now, continues, what's next a civil war!?

  • Chi
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    He could do a lot to help bring the country back together. Instead of getting defensive and attacking those who question him, he could have an honest and intelligent discussion about the points that they bring up. Any President will ALWAYS face criticism, regardless of who it is, and the fact that he throws a hissy fit and blatantly mocks and insults anyone who criticizes him really, really hurts him in many people's eyes.

    If the leader of another country insults him, is he going to declare war? I mean, really, I have no faith in his abilities to have a level-headed, mature and diplomatic conversation with anyone, especially if it becomes heated. And that scares me when he's dealing with countries who have the ability to nuke us.

  • chisue
    7 years ago

    It's not "My country, right or wrong."

    I'm still sick over Guantanamo, where we grabbed people on flimsy say-so; never charged them, so they couldn't be tried; tortured them -- to death in some cases; incarcerated them for over a decade. Now it's a political football for the gasbags in Congress. I won;t live to see this blot on America shut down. Heck, I'll probably be sent there for complaining that Trump is not presidential material.

    Finding Trump a danger to my country has nothing to do with 'sour grapes'. I thought I was afraid when Cheney's Bush started the whole Fatherland, Homeland Security.

  • golfergrrl
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    For those who call Trump every vile name they can think of and criticize his every move, at the end of the day, it's going to be you with high blood pressure. What can you contribute to be constructive?

  • Michael
    7 years ago

    Isn't the globe awards about who has the most plunging gown and best cleavage? And who is showing a baby bump?

  • nicole___
    7 years ago

    Did anyone listen to the Sean Hannity shows take on this today, 1/9? He said, loosely quoted, that Trump makes fun of whomever.....waving his hands and acting like a dork...they all get the same treatment. The disabled guy does not wave his arms or have a speech impediment. Trump was NOT making fun of his disability....just making fun in general of what he'd said," which case.......Meryl Streep is spreading false propaganda. Which was a problem during the campagne...each candidate was constantly saying "that is not true".....but tabloids and reporters found false news better than the truth in both corners.

  • lily316
    7 years ago

    Donald Trump will never be my president. I will not watch the inauguration nor will I ever watch his hideous face on TV. The world has gone mad.

  • comtessedelacouche (10b S.Australia: hotdryMedclimate)
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Chisue, I agree with your fact-based denouncement of the historical events surrounding Guantanamo. To an outsider, that seemed to me to be the point at which America lost its internal moral compass along with its seemingly unassailable position as global leader in the promotion and defence of the high principles of democracy, truth, justice and the rule of law.

    I believe that low point in American history was allowed to happen because of the profound fear so many Americans felt after 9/11 - the realisation their country was not inviolable to those who wished to harm them - and they were willing to allow just about anything to be done in their name in order to feel safer again.

    I feel that may be what is happening again with the embrace of a 'strong-man' leader in the form of Mr Trump. Again fear and insecurity, this time driven in large part by major global economic and social changes, are driving Americans to make lesser choices, to embrace a big-talking style of leadership that initially inspires confidence, even euphoria, but which could so quickly and easily plunge the nation into a sort of blind-eye-turning moral vacuum, as the Germans found to their shame they had done in the 1930s and 40s. (And to those who would mock this association, I would say, read the history before you speak, and then tell us exactly how it differs in essence.)

    To operate from a position of fear is inherently flawed. Everything is viewed through the distorting lens of that fear, which makes it impossible to really see and comprehend the true situation, and decisions made in that state may prove not to be the wisest ones in the long run.

    Mr Trump may not have much grasp of history, or of political or moral theory, but he understands the practical art of power and influence. As he says, he knows how to make deals. Some of the deals he'll make on behalf of the American people over the next 4, or perhaps 8 years may prove beneficial to America. Some may not. Some could be disastrous on a scale not previously seen or imagined. Driven as he is by hubris, some kind of holocaust is not impossible.

    Hopefully, that will not happen. Hopefully, the net result of the Trump Presidency will be at least some progress for the better that is not won at the unjust expense of others. We in the wider world, as well as in America must continue to hope for that, and be prepared to support all positive measures, whatever we deem those to be.

    But we must be vigilant. We must not descend into the murky waters of fear in which every shadow is a killer shark, since that will not equip us to safeguard and fight effectively for what we believe is truly great about the human race, and in particular about America; for the high principles of the Founding Fathers; for truth, justice, democracy and the rule of law; for optimism and a pioneering spirit adapted to present circumstances and tempered by more recent developments in empathy, compassion, and forbearance towards those who appear very different from ourselves.

    And we must be prepared to speak up when we see American leadership going astray. Any decent citizen seeing an unsupervised child moving towards danger on a busy road will call out, and act if they can to prevent the likely outcome. This is a responsibility for all America's allies and for all people of good intent. And most of all, it's up to you guys.

    I guess what I'm really trying to say here so long-windedly and no doubt rather pompously, is 'Yay, Meryl, you go, girl!' You and all those who care deeply enough about America to speak up, and act up, whenever necessary to safeguard fundamental decency and a free and fair way of life for all, are, just by being yourselves, what actually continue to make America the great country it is.

    Love to you all, whatever your political affiliations, and good luck for the next 4 years. :-)

  • rob333 (zone 7b)
    7 years ago

    Good luck to everyone on the planet for the next four years.

  • sleeperblues
    7 years ago

    Comtesse, well said.

  • sleeperblues
    7 years ago

    And, Nicole, I don't agree with Sean Hannity's account of Trump regarding the disabled reporter. Of course he was making fun of his disability. It only makes it more vile because the reporter doesn't "wave his arms or have a speech impediment". He is perpetuating bullying based on perceived stereotypes.

  • roxanna
    7 years ago

    Comtesse, VERY well said. Not pompous at all. Well-thought and expressed. Hope and vigilance are good watchwords, IMO. Thank you.

  • Chi
    7 years ago

    I agree with you, sleeper. I don't know how anyone can believe Trump's version of the story. And yes, he did a similar impression of Ted Cruz. However, that came MONTHS after this controversy, which seems awfully convenient. None of his other gestures ever had the right hand up and hooked over until it was about this journalist.

  • nicole___
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Trump is an equal opportunity baffoon. :0) If your disability is "news" and not "what you said", then I'd have a problem with his "performance". He IS an actor as many have pointed out.

    Now back to Meryll Streep. I liked the morality of her heart felt speech, but not the "truth" behind it.

  • User
    7 years ago

    "Many people voted Trump simply because they hated Hillary more than Donald." And this people, is NOT how you make an informed decision about who you vote for. So many people said they were voting for Trump because they hated Hilary more, and they were 1000% sure Trump would never win. Well, you weren't the only person who thought the way you did. Even though he didn't win the majority of votes, he won the most seats. People forget that's how it works. It's the same in Canada. People voted Liberal and were horrified Trudeau won. And really, he is NOT good looking. He's slimy looking and I really hate insulting public figures online... ;) And then there is Alberta with the NDP party. My goodness, our Premier can't blow her nose without someone criticizing her yet they all forget she's doing what she's doing because of the last party that had power for the last 20 years royally screwing up our province. People voted NDP in this province because they didn't think they would win. Now they're crying like babies to sleep every night. Boo hoo! At least she's is a real politician. My dad knew her dad. She grew up in politics and knows how it works.

    Oh, did I go off topic? :) Anyway..... Make this election both in Canada and the US a lesson: you don't vote for someone because you hate the other two more. You do your homework. Wasn't there 1 or 2 other people running down there too? Didn't anyone consider those two people when they voted? You need to sit down read everything you can about the people running and make an informed decision. When the Liberals won here, I was sad for about 24 hours. But I got over it. And you all will too about Trump. I keep hoping once he takes office he'll grow up. There is always that hope. Without hope, what do you all have left? ;)

  • lucillle
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Without hope, what do you all have left?

    Impeachment? Our forefathers did not die in order for us to sit quivering inside our homes, without taking action, when there is injustice by our government's leaders.

    I'm not discounting hope, it is an important ingredient, but it alone is not enough.

  • Jasdip
    7 years ago

    High-five Debby!!! I seem to be in the minority who doesn't like what Trudeau is doing, one little bit. The Liberals have destroyed Ontario and my mantra during the federal election was : "if you like Ontario, you'll LOVE Canada". He and Wynne are one and the same.

  • arkansas girl
    7 years ago

    I know a whole boat load of people that are tickled pink that Trump is president! I also know a whole boat load of people that absolutely hated Obama! I say good riddance to Obama! IMHO things could not be more messed up! I totally agree with Roseberry! That ACA is about the most mucked up mess I've ever seen in my life...thanks Obama for NOTHING! For the first time in my entire life, I cannot afford health insurance.

  • lily316
    7 years ago

    Only 53% of people voted in his election and those who didn't should hang their head in shame. Of those 3,000,000 more wanted Hillary so I'm guessing only 1/4 are satisfied with Trump and that number will slowly dribble down

  • gardengal48 (PNW Z8/9)
    7 years ago

    Oyyy!! The lack of knowledge of the US political process is rather startling sometimes. And typically results in the unfortunate circumstances we now find ourselves in. Does anyone really think that our current 'difficulties' are all the result of Obama? The fact that he had to deal with a divisive, obstinate and completely obstructionist GOP congress played a huge part in his effectiveness or lack of it. At least the man has grace, dignity and diplomacy.

    btw, this is the first time since I have been self-employed that I could afford health insurance!!

  • blfenton
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Anyone want to remember the housing and economic crisis that Obama inherited in 2008? Well, you now have an economy that is growing and an unemployment rate that is the lowest it's been in years.

    We have the Liberals in BC and have had now for several years but they tend to be on the conservative side. The NDP ruin our province every time they get in. Ottawa pays no attention to us (wrong side of the Rockies) so we don't normally care who is in Federally. Although the approval of the Kinder-Morgan Pipeline may change that.

    Jasdip - But it's the provincial Liberals that have destroyed Ontario rather than the Federal Liberals is that not correct? Or is it a combination. The stories that we hear about the heating/electrical bills are mind-boggling.

  • 66and76
    7 years ago

    Yes, Donald Trump can be brash; at times, unforgivably crude. However, he seems to love America and Americans. To elevate Barack Obama by saying, " At least the man has grace, dignity and diplomacy", must be answered. Benghazi. The deceptive lies and attempted cover up of the murder and torture of our ambassador and the Navy Seals in Benghazi by Obama and Hillary Clinton was indefensible, immoral, and down right treasonous. After that, how would anyone vote to place Hillary Clinton in the position of Commander in Chief?

    If the GOP congress worked against Obama's wishes, they were doing so because his agenda to "totally transform America" stuck in their throats.

  • Elmer J Fudd
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    "Of those 3,000,000 more wanted Hillary so I'm guessing only 1/4 are
    satisfied with Trump and that number will slowly dribble down"

    lily, Clinton won California by 3.5 million votes. If you take California out of the popular vote comparison, there's a very different story to understand. Clinton's sour grapes supporters like to gloss over that. Her support was limited and any suggestion that she was the popular favorite is misleading. If you had to pick one of them and suggest there was nationwide support, it would be Trump.

    I disliked both candidates strongly and equally, so I'm not representing either "side" in my comment.

  • foggyj2
    7 years ago

    "The fact that he had to deal with a divisive, obstinate and completely
    obstructionist GOP congress played a huge part in his effectiveness or
    lack of it".

    .....and you don't think this hasn't happened with every administration? The in-coming, will have the same obstructionism, only from the other side.

  • chisue
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    If you voted "in opposition" -- to a woman the world reveres -- aren't you just a little cowed to know that Russia actively worked to defame her?

    Putin feared President Hillary Clinton. OTOH, Putin owns Trump, who now depends on Putin-approved Russian financing. US banks have closed his line of credit. They've had enough of a con man's 'empire' of build/default.

    Don't you wonder how far back the whole show was conceived?

  • justlinda
    7 years ago

    I notice that nobody has addressed the anti-nepotism law on the appointment by president-elect DT of his son-in-law Jared Kushner to become a senior White House adviser and work on the Middle East and trade deals and his daughter Ivanka to take over the First-Lady office in the White House.

    I do not get involved in politics but the above went against any rationale I could think of.

  • tackykat
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    lily316, I am not hanging my head in shame. I usually vote in every election, whether there are national, state or local issues to be decided. However, re: this presidential election, I did not support either candidate and, with much consideration, I did not vote for president, after having previously voted in every presidential election since I turned 18.

    That is because individual votes do not count under our current system. My state was not a swing state and was going to be won by Hillary no matter what.

    If I would have voted for Hillary, it would have made no difference because she was going to win our state anyway and get the Electoral Votes from our state, whether she got one more vote than Trump or 20,000 votes. I would not vote for Trump, but even if I did, it would not have mattered because my vote was not going to help him to win our state. I did go to the polls and vote on the rest of the ballot.

  • arkansas girl
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Well lucky you gardengal...not so lucky me.

  • Chi
    7 years ago

    It's so interesting to me how people's opinions can very so greatly. I loved Obama and I think the ACA was a remarkable achievement considering the congress that Obama had to work with, and it's too bad it couldn't see its full potential. It absolutely does need some tweaks, notably the expenses, but it's done some good as well. Many millions more people have insurance coverage.

    If it gets repealed, insurance companies can start refusing coverage to people with preexisting conditions again. And young adults under 26 might have to pay for their own private insurance instead of staying on their parent's plan. Can you imagine being a cancer survivor only to have your insurance refuse to cover you anymore?

  • WalnutCreek Zone 7b/8a
    7 years ago

    I, personally, don't think it mattered who you voted for during the election. That being said, the office of the President of the United States needs to be respected and upheld. We may not like the person voted in, but the position itself has to be respected.

  • justlinda
    7 years ago

    Perhaps someone should let the president-elect know that he should respect and uphold the position also. He's behaving like this is a trial run for "The Apprentice". Wonder if he'll utter the words "you're fired" to anyone?

  • Toni S
    7 years ago

    I am not a supporter of Trump or Clinton although I did vote holding my nose. Also I can't think of a single 'celebrity' I am so enamored by that I can't turn them off. (Guess I'm fan about persons who are genuine and that I personally know.) I listened to Streeps speech online and gave it credit for substance. She obviously thinks because she can ACT, she really has some meaning in the world. Well, she is also a supporter of Roman Polanski, abortions on command and various other things. Do I want her to give me a lecture on national TV about those things. Ah, no. Do you want a lecture from celebrity that's massively into Trump? I just say there is a place for everything but not everyplace is the right place to say it. Because of social media people have become the whiniest, do nothings I have ever known. It's time to move forward. I don't care for the personality of President elect but I want my representatives to use and abuse his position for the best we can be. Use your state reps to MAKE him the pathway. Don't really put much thought into yappy 'celebrities'.

  • nickel_kg
    7 years ago

    WalnutCreek, I'm not sure I understand. Do you mean that we all should have stayed home on election day, or that the electoral system isn't the same as a direct voting system, or perhaps do you mean that you're not judging anyone based on if they voted Dem., Rep, or Other? or am I misunderstanding entirely?

    Chi, I don't need to imagine, my sister is facing a second cancer, and a good friend's life depends upon dialysis. I know we're hardly alone. But that's a bit off topic, I think.

    I appreciate the civil discussion. I find it helpful to hear multiple points of view.

  • chisue
    7 years ago

    The office, yes. This con man, no.

  • lily316
    7 years ago

    After the Russian "dirt" is released, who even knows if he'll be president.

  • golfergrrl
    7 years ago

    ...and then the "dirt" will be released on Putin and so on and so forth....

  • chisue
    7 years ago

    Trump ended his press conference today with the words, "I'll FIRE 'em." Isn't that *cute*? Blech.

    His strategy was to monopolize the time with his own blabbering, then talk over questions he didn't want to answer until the questioner gave up.

    He did admit that the Russians interfered to swing the election. (Are any of you Trump supporters wondering WHY Russia wanted him, and did not want Clinton?)

    When is Congress going to DEMAND his tax returns and find his connections to Russian financiers?

  • drewsmaga
    7 years ago

    Saw this on a forum I read:

    "Dear Hollywood celebrities,

    You exist for my entertainment. Some of you are great eye candy. Some of you can deliver a line with such conviction that you bring tears to my eyes. Some of you can scare the crap out of me. Others make me laugh. But you all have one thing in common, you only have a place in my world to entertain me. That’s it....See More

  • maddielee
    7 years ago

    I was entertained and enjoyed her speech. Enjoyment differs for different people.

  • User
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Whoever wrote that has misunderstoid the purpose of the awards programs, drewsmaga, (not to mention how gross the Dance monkey, dance! attitude is.)

    If you only want to be entertained you should only be watching them in their television and movie rolls because the awards are about recognizing them as the talented and skilled human beings that they really are. Meryl Streep was being recognized as Meryl Streep- not as Karen Silkwood or Joanna Kramer or Sophie or even in her role as Julia Child- she was being appreciated as the thinking, feeling person that is Meryl Streep. A human being with an opinion and strong feelings. An actor that no doubt uses her brain and thoughts and feelings and opinions to draw from and create the characters that sometimes entertain us.

    They were watching a show that does not align with their interests, they should gave changed the channel.

  • blfenton
    7 years ago

    And then we have trump - the biggest most obnoxious Reality TV celebrity there is and people listened to him, paid attention to him and voted for him. I suspect he wouldn't be president if he wasn't a so-called celebrity.

    I wonder how those who disparage "celebrities" and voted for him justify that.

    The Kardashian Klan not withstanding - Make no mistake, many of those who you call celebrities came from nothing and worked hard to get where they are, many if not most are well educated, they employee a lot of people, they are talented, they sponsor and do a lot of charity work (unlike trump). All you see is a finished product and not the dues they paid and their hard work to give you something with which you are entertained.

    If you don't want to listen to them then don't but don't criticize who they are and what they do.

  • comtessedelacouche (10b S.Australia: hotdryMedclimate)
    7 years ago

    Yes - I also thought that 'open letter' (that someone posted in full further up the thread, I think - the link in DrewM's post above didn't work when I tried it) was either extremely self-centred, or the author was ignorant of the purpose of an awards ceremony and mistakenly thought it was just another show put on solely for public entertainment.

    In fact it's a professional/industry awards night for showbiz people along with the Press, who sponsor the event. The high level of public interest is the only reason they now broadcast it, so the public can get to see what goes on, and no doubt the sponsors get a nice bit of revenue from it. But even though some adaptations are naturally made to cater for the TV cameras and the wider audience, viewers should not expect or demand that the whole, essentially private event be repurposed into something it's not.

    Recipients of lifetime achievement awards are generally given a bit more time and leeway to say whatever they like in their acceptance speeches than are other lesser award winners, in keeping with it being the highest honour of the night. If one such honoured recipient chooses to use their speech to draw attention to a recent notorious and very unwelcome performance from a different kind of actor, and to appeal to the Press to continue to do their job despite the current campaign of intimidation/attempted suppression against them, to vigorously defend the rights and dignity of those many professionals in the industry who would fall into the unwanted/ scapegoated groups the PE has chosen to stir up and magnify a dark seam of xenophobic anger and hate against - that is a somewhat unusual, but topical and entirely industry-relevant use of that platform.

    As VedaB said, if members of the general public happen to find this not entertaining enough and/or offensive in some way and/or don't understand its relevance, that's fine - it's not their industry's awards night anyway, and they don't have to watch!

  • User
    7 years ago

    I am no longer her fan since she lead a standing ovation for Roman Polanski at the Oscars in 2003.

  • Toni S
    7 years ago

    Pretty much true about not watching. Seems like most people I know don't bother with , pat my back and tell me how wonderful I am , type of shows.