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even later season bulb planting

75% off was just too tempting, and after an hour of picking out tile and bathroom fixtures I decided I was worth $5 even if it was a complete waste of money. The pictures and price were just too tempting.

For a few minutes I debated trying to get a shovel through the frost or wait and see it there was a thaw on the way... or plant them close to the house foundation where the ground hasn't frozen much yet... but then I said forget it and hacked a bucket full of barely rotted compost and brought it into the garage to thaw.

I ended up cracking open a beer, potting up the hyacinths and tulips with the compost, and sitting them on the garage floor to root for a few weeks. It's cool enough in there that they should be fine, and it was a nice relaxing evening between all the holiday running around. We'll see if February brings armloads of flowers or if my $5 goes down the drain!

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