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Does my art make me look old?

8 years ago

Yes, my loving brother just informed me that my taste in art, makes it look like a much older couple lives in our home. Lol!! Now I really don't care and certainly do not plan on changing my style, I love my art and my home and maybe deep down I'm an old soul. :) But I'm curious, do most people associate oils paintings of landscapes with older people? Or is it the frames that 'date' art?

And just for fun here's my living room:

Now guess how old I am! ;)

Comments (51)

  • 8 years ago

    I think it's the coffee table and accessories on top that look like grandma's house, not the art, Sorry.

    Tara thanked k9arlene
  • 8 years ago

    No problem k9arlene! I love that coffee table to bits and spent hours sanding it down and repainting after some idiot glopped turquoise paint all over it. I think it's a real antique but don't know for sure. But I totally agree about the styling....got to work on that! Got any ideas? I never gave it much thought because that table is usually covered in duplos! Lol.

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  • 8 years ago

    It seems randomly hung and not quite to scale. That makes it seem old, if that makes sense

    Tara thanked smm5525
  • 8 years ago

    It's not trendy and hip. And having 3 pieces of similar style makes it look like you've committed to it, which is usually done later in life.

    Tara thanked amberm145
  • 8 years ago

    Thanks smm5525. i thought the asymmetry made it more interesting? Haha. But it's just temporary, that was supposed to be a gallery wall, but I haven't been able to find more art in my budget that I really like. So once I have a few more pieces, they'll all get rehung. :)

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    Thanks amber! I guess that's what happens when you furnish your house almost exclusively from Craigslist, garage sales, eBay and the occasional DIY. I'm pretty proud of the fact that except for the bigger navy sofa that's new, nothing in that room cost more than $70. On the other hand my grandma's house is still my favorite place to hang out, so maybe that's my problem! :)

  • 8 years ago

    Try one of the larger art pieces over fireplace rather than mirror. Mirror isn't reflecting anything but ceiling.

    Post more pics and we can figure out good spot for the rest of the art.

    Tara thanked smm5525
  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    I don't think the OP needs to rehang her art to suit our styles--she has her own :)

    My guess for Tara's age is about the same as cooper's--I'll say 32.

    Other than the sofas , nothing in my living room cost me more than $70, either. I did have a rug that cost a few hundred bucks but the dog ruined it :( I love your blue sofas, BTW, Tara.

    Hand-me downs, garage sales, DIY, and second-hand stores are half the fun of decorating, to me. My favorite pieces of art were free--and one of them might make me look old, lol.

    My mother is in her 70's but likes a very spare modern look and she has two landscape oil paintings in her house. They have no frames at all, just the exposed canvas with staples on the sides. It does give them a lighter look, if that's something you want, Tara.

    I know many people have a more consistent look among their frames in a given room, in terms of materials, widths, colors, etc. I have a whole bunch of different frame styles in most of my rooms and to my eyes as long as several of them are thin, you don't end up with an overwhelmingly "old" looking space.

    This blogger has a DIY post about making simple modern frames for art, in case you want to try a different style on some of your finds:


    Tara thanked maggiepatty
  • 8 years ago

    Smm my mother says the same thing about the mirror! None of the art I currently have looks good above the mantle, but when I find something the right size I'm definitely open to switching out the mirror.

  • 8 years ago

    Maggiepatty thank you so much for the helpful suggestions!! I love the simple frames in the link you posted! The lighter look of thinner frames is what I think I need too. I'm definitely going to reframe some of my art, when I have time. Thanks so much!!

    I can see you totally get the thrill of the hunt! I think I love finding cool stuff even more than decorating. :)

    And you are close about my age. Late twenties here.

  • 8 years ago

    This is not about your art, Tara, but may I suggest that you turn your area rug so that the stripes are running in the same direction as your elongated coffee table? The rug is also a little small for that area. The rule is that at least the feet of the furniture should be on the rug. After you've turned the rug around you might try moving the furniture a little closer to achieve that look, if you don't wish to get a larger rug.

    Tara thanked ingrid_vc so. CA zone 9
  • 8 years ago

    I really like the art piece with the dark frame it has nice colors in it . I think it would look great above the mantle in place of the mirror . Do you want to try it and show us ? That would also lighten up that wall. Then you could take that small picture from the fireplace and put it below the other smaller one on the wall making a better sized threesome. Is that a drum next to the side chair ? I like that piece .

    Tara thanked ravencajun Zone 8b TX
  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    hmmm, Duplos? I'll guess 28. I agree about the art/mirror switch. I actually LOVE your art. I could spend lots of time looking at it. I might try the rug on the diagonal, so the stripes run parallel to the fireplace. I think it would look a little unpredictable and more modern. You've done a great job making a very nice room on a small budget.

    I also like your coffee table, but the starkness of the white is a little jarring to my eye. What about darkening just the top a bit...maybe something like this:

    Tara thanked Olychick
  • 8 years ago

    Thanks for the helpful suggestions Ingrid. I had actually posted awhile ago asking about new rug ideas and I got lots of good advice. But somehow nothing I've seen so far is really calling my name, so I'm waiting it out.....I know something I really love will eventually pop up.

  • 8 years ago

    Ravencajun I'm totally open to doing the switch but it might be a few weeks before I can get DH to help. I have thought about moving the boat painting over the fireplace but haven't done it because it's probably my least favorite one, but DH adores it so it stays. I was holding out for something super special over the fireplace, but you are right it's a lot better than my old dresser mirror. Lol.

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    Olychic you guessed my age exactly right! :D I love your idea about turning the rug on the diagonal. I'll do that and post pics. The coffee table top is actually marble. It's calacatta gold and up close it looks lovely. It's got great patina. I'll post a close up of that too. Do you think the legs could use a little dark wax though? I tried to match it to the mantle, but maybe that's too white....

    And thank you so much for the compliment on doing this on a budget. :) coming from you it means a lot! I've learnt so much from you all on the forums here. (I've been a lurker for a couple of years!)

  • 8 years ago

    The tiny group of decor pieces huddled under the mirror looks "old lady" to me.

    Picking up the red of the stripes in some mantel accessories would liven it up a bit.

    But I like your art - not "old lady" at all, even the frames.

    Tara thanked User
  • 8 years ago

    No I don't think art dates a person. I've never cared for what would be considered fun or cute art. Actually I don't care for almost anything that a cutesy label could be attached to. I think your art is very nice.

    Tara thanked User
  • 8 years ago

    Do you like your brother's decor choices? Sometimes people just have different taste. Nothing wrong with that.

    Tara thanked deegw
  • 8 years ago

    I really like the coffee table - it's unique and I like the blue. I might change the arrangement on it, maybe put something more modern on it. I like the art, but i might rearrange it or spread it out, but it might help to see another picture of the wall. I would be proud of how much you did for $70!

    Tara thanked rockybird
  • 8 years ago

    Art is personal and appeals to different people for different reasons. I have an eclectic mix acquired over the years -- landscape, western, folk/Americana and contemporary in different styles and media. I'd have more if I had the space.

    I think the idea of adding some contrast to the coffee table is a good one. It would show off that marble top, and if it really has a lovely patina, ply it up. I haven't used a dark wax on furniture (last things I darkened were a wash of thinned down -- dark watery, paint -- not even a true glaze). Since you painted the table and probably have a bit of paint left, I would try painting a piece of scrap wood or a small object and trying the wax on that to both make sure you like the look and get a feel for how to work with it. Pick a tone that compliments the veining in the marble top. I think it sounds like a great idea.

    Tara thanked lascatx
  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    It's hard to tell on my screen but it looks like all 3 paintings on the wall are sunsets. Perhaps unconsciously people think of "sunset of life" = old. Also, all 3 are mostly brown and burnt orange, as are the clock and painting on the mantle - do those colors make you think "young"?

    There is so much stuff on eBay or Etsy or posters dot com, or if your area has art fairs or art-school-student art fairs you can find some posters or paintings or photographs that are more fresh for not a lot of money.

    Also the little painting on the mantle shelf with the small things on each side of all the same size and shape lined up like soldiers is a static look. Replace them with 3 or 4 things of differing sizes/shapes/materials - a vase, a colored glass sculpture, perhaps something metallic-looking and shiny like mercury glass. These can be found online or at thrift stores, art fairs, etc. for not a lot of money. You might even have them already in other areas of your house. But you've got to vary the sizes and shapes of the things on that shelf, and don't line them up.

    Tara thanked friedajune
  • 8 years ago

    Art should really be hung at eye level to be appreciated. The top one is much too high. Spread them out on other walls and not so bunched by the fireplace.

    Tara thanked smm5525
  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    Very nice art and room!

    The only thing I would do is to bring some of the art colors over to the coffee table. I would start with a modern shape brass tray and add things in rose gold, aged silver and vintage enamel and or vintage paperweights.

    Mix modern AND vintage.

    Tara thanked just_terrilynn
  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    I was going to suggest what rockybird posted. Just replace accessories on the coffee table with something more modern. No doily or dainty little vase with flowers.

    Tara thanked k9arlene
  • 8 years ago

    One person's old is another person's 'classic." Trends come and go. I am old enough to have seen antiques and shabby chic come in and go out of style, and hopefully if I live long enough they may come into style again. Decorate with what you love and what fits your home and lifestyle, there are many ways to have style. As for your brother, Pftttttt!

    Having said that, as you mature, there is something wonderful about being able to afford some nice furniture and decorative pieces and art instead of having to "make do" with hand me downs. If you're at that stage, feel free to rehome what you don't love and punch it up with some things that you do, and that suit your taste to a "t." I didn't get there until I was in my 40's and finally had enough job and financial stability to buy and decorate my own home. Prior to that, all my stuff had to be easy to pack up and move and not particularly valuable due to all the moving. That stage of life seems to be coming later and later to today's workers, if ever.

    Tara thanked l pinkmountain
  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    Did you ever consider that your loving brother might've simply been acting like a jerk? After all, sometimes people's mouths move faster than their brains...

    Tara thanked carolb_w_fl_coastal_9/10
  • 8 years ago

    Exactly what Pinkmountain said!

    Tara thanked decormyhomepls
  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    When I look at your space I don't think an older person lives there. Keep on doing what you're doing...it's looking great.

    Tara thanked always1stepbehind
  • 8 years ago

    I think you have a very interesting room that feels like it's been put together over time, instead of one mad rush out to Home Goods to outfit it all at once. And to me, that's just more unique - more you. I like your art, and don't think it's "old ladyish". It's antique-looking, but that provides a nice complement to your contemporary sofas. If I were going to change anything in the room, I might think about getting rid of the chest with the padded seat in front of the window, as well as the vase on the coffee table, as others have mentioned.

    Tara thanked User
  • 8 years ago

    This is my favorite title for a thread in a long time

    Tara thanked dedtired
  • 8 years ago

    Tara I am going to guess you are in your 50's. Right or way off? I like the room you posted in the pic. I like the hardwood floors and neutral fireplace and walls. So easy to change the personality of the room if you like.

    Tara thanked Blue Onblue
  • 8 years ago

    I don't think it's the actual art (or anything else in the room), I think it's the frames. They just look fashioned to me.

    Tara thanked Ellie RK
  • 8 years ago

    Not a comment on the art, but I looooove your sofas.

    Tara thanked mrrogerscardigan
  • 8 years ago

    I think if you were standing next to your art, it would not affect how old you look. People of any age can appreciate a full range of styles, and your taste to me suggests that you like the Romantic period, which I do as well, and have since I was a teenager. You might want to consider looking for German Romantic Landscape Painting, which was popular in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. I read a lot of German romantic literature from the same period when I was getting my B.A. in German, but not that many people were interested in it, and so in one class, there were only two students - a graduate student and me. The sets from Lord of the Rings are very much in the style of German Romanticism.

    Certain special other people will appreciate your taste in art, and you may find that you like these people very much.

    Tara thanked Lars
  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    Omgosh...if your brother thinks your house looks like an old couple live there, he'd probably declare me & my DH to be fossils. I have old oil paintings, some which are still life flowers, scenery and a much loved painting of Paris from the 50s. I say, decorate as you wish. No matter what, you'll be an older couple to someone younger. Lol!

    Tara thanked lizzierobin
  • 8 years ago

    Love that Lizzie!

    Tara thanked smm5525
  • 8 years ago

    I think the problem isn't so much the oil paintings, it's a lack of theme. Love the navy sofas. Nothing ties them together. They are traditional. The table is Victorian. The rug looks country, the chair and bench look like after thought. How to fix -- get a rich cream and navy rug. Change the orientation of the coffee table. Decorate only the top shelf of your fireplace. Make your pictures part of a gallery wall (same color frames look best IMO), and get a new chair. Ditch the bench. A nice throw and some throw pillows in your favorite color will tie it together and bring it into this decade

    Tara thanked goldcrocodile
  • 8 years ago

    I remember reading here (maybe Pal?) that art is not decor. Buy the art pieces you love and build your collection.

    We also have a mix of oils, acrylics, abstract, landscapes, and nudes. Every piece we bought is because we love it or it was given as a gift.

    I like your blue sofas, and I agree, keep looking for a bigger rug. We can help you with that, too. Lots of luck on esalerugs on this forum.

    Tara thanked gsciencechick
  • 8 years ago

    "Ironic taxidermy." I had been searching for a term to describe that trend, love the phrase!

    Tara thanked l pinkmountain
  • 7 years ago

    Just remember that art does not have to match the décor.

    Tara thanked pkpk23
  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    I would definitely move the darker framed picture to the mantel and move the smaller pic as ravencajun Zone 8b TX suggested. And I think the tray idea from justerrilynn for the table is brilliant. Just those two things to me will bring the whole room together. I might even leave the shelf under the mantel empty at first until you put something in the tray ( love the bird as a starter) to see how that all works. I think you might appreciate the art better without so much to look at. It would be nice to see the rug the other way with stripes going direction of table too. I'm a do it and see person.

    And btw, you don't need your hubby to ck it all out, just lean the pic on the mantel etc, no sense getting him involved until you know for sure what you are doing lol.

    Tara thanked nursetammi
  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Thank you all! I have made a few changes to the room, based on your suggestions.

    Ravencajun: I agree that ideally the darker framed boats/sunset picture will look better over the fireplace. But right now it's hiding a very bad bit of drywall patching! Also I'm still waiting for the perfect piece for above the mantle. I almost won something on eBay that would have been perfect, but it got away. The mirror doesn't bother me too much so I'm going to just keep waiting till I find something I love.

    ingrid: thanks for the suggestion about the rug. I did switch it and liked it better your way. Thank you! I'm currently trying out a different rug that I think most people would hate, but I think it grounds the room nicely. I'll probably go back and forth between the blue striped one and this one.

    justerrilynn: I love that bird!! Do you know where it's from? I took all your (as well as others) advice and changed the coffee table decor. I will keep looking for a couple more interesting pieces.

    olychic and lascatx: Thank you! I hope the close up of the coffee table, gives you a clearer picture. Do you think the base is still too white?

    Idaclaire: I did move the padded bench to a less obtrusive spot. Thank you! I'd like to keep it in the room because it makes cleaning a cinch! Just hide everything in it!! Lol.

    pkpk23 and nursetammie thank you ressurecting this thread. I kept meaning to updated you all on the changes I made.

    I know many of you did not like the glass pieces on the lower mantle shelf but they are handmade and special to me. In real life, they catch the light very prettily. I also added my 2 year old's latest masterpiece to the mantle, cause I'm terribly proud! :)

    Please let me know what you think!! I may not take all your suggestions, but I truly appreciate the discerning eyes! Thank you!!

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    sorry about the ladder!

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    So glad you posted an update.

    It looks lovely and so nice to see the rest of the room. The white benches look great and help the overall color scheme. I was thinking of a larger, on the gold tone, tray on your table, which by the way the table is beautiful up close. So if you have a 2 year old that most likely means that you are pretty young after all :)

    Tara thanked nursetammi
  • 7 years ago

    I think your art makes you look groovy and eclectic! But I would switch the two smaller art pieces on the wall with the mirror stand. That smaller one seems like it is getting lost way high up there. I love a mix of interesting art styles!

    Tara thanked l pinkmountain
  • 7 years ago

    Tara--I really, really like your room! I guess I kind of rebel against the whole "must be young" obsession, but I didn't get an "old lady" vibe from your room at all. Such a vibe wouldn't necessarily be bad, imo, but I guess I'm on the road to old-ladydom in my 40's anyway!! I love that you got your things on a tight budget from here and there. You don't have that polished Target meets Restoration Hardware aesthetic that is so common, it's a more "undecorated" look, which is classy and more appealing to me.

    Tara thanked C Pen
  • 7 years ago

    I love your room! It looks so well curated and so well loved. I would
    walk into your house and think, "Wow, she's got good taste!"

    let your brother know that some of the hottest designers covet these
    sort of vintage oil paintings. Would your brother call Emily Henderson
    an old lady???? ;)

    Tara thanked socalgirl2008
  • 7 years ago

    Thank you nursetammi. I know the current tray isn't ideal. This is just something I already had on hand. I will be on the lookout for a larger, preferably gold one.

    Pinkmountain you're right about the small painting being too high. I will try to move them around.

    C Pen and socalgirl thank you so much for the encouraging words!! Those are some of the nicest things anyone has told me. You made my day!!