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Fiddle Leaf Fig worries after root rot

Reposting here after mistakenly posting in the fig forum:

So, after spending a few hours reading all the excellent info on here about FLF trees, I still have a question about mine that I'm worried about. I got this tree over the summer, it was full and happy, and I repotted into a big pot in hopes that it would grow into it. I also repotted using MG moisture soil, which I have learned is a big no-no. I watered once a week like the rest of my plants and saw the lower leaves develop blackish brown spots that slowly spread. I finally realized I was severely overwatering about 2 months ago, removed those leaves and ceased watering. It has been 6 weeks since I have watered it and I'm totally afraid of watering again because I'm worried with this soil it will stay too wet. I should also mention that in the 5 months or so since I've owned the plant, it has had zero new growth. I have it in a south facing room near the window.

My question is, until next June when I can repot into better draining soil and address any root issues, how do I water this fig? I have read that I should flush the soil and then water deeply, but how do I do that using a moisture retentive soil? I also read that I should not repot during the winter, so I feel like the plant is stuck in its current pot/bad soil for several more months. Should I water by the cupful which I've heard is bad because it keeps the salts stuck in the soil, or should I try to flush and risk overwatering again? Should I try to fertilize now too even though it's December? I live in Atlanta, GA by the way. I definitely want to get it outside when the weather warms up to see if it will help the growth issue, but until then...?

Any help would be appreciated, I know the poor plant needs a drink asap.

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