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Another year in the life of my Adeniums

I can't believe we are half way through the penultimate month of 2016, where does time go too?

I'm pleased to say, all my plants have survived and have had their best year to date. Two have even flowered successfully and with forum advise I/we have solved the issue of those horrible corky and distorted Arabicum leaves....result! My plants and my small collection will never be as big and as grand as those whose plants I admire on here, but they're equally important to me. It's odd how you can get so involved with such things isn't it? Have I mentioned I took some freshly germinating seeds on a weekend break a few years ago? How can you possibly leave them home alone?

OK, things are a bit quiet on here now and as I think it was Tan who asked me about my seedlings, I've done a post to show them...nothing too exciting, but here they are.

3 types of Thai socos from my good friend Rick. Diamond King is first...I forgot the biro for scale but they're in 3 inch pots. Planted July I had good germination but lost a few shortly afterwards. These are now doing well, for me anyway.

Thai soco Petch Ba Na. Thought I'd lost the two leaved one, it dropped what leaves it had a few weeks ago but has now sprouted a new pair, fingers crossed.

and Thai soco Bang Kla. This type has the biggest and the smallest seedling.

These are the three 8yr old Ad. obesums from EBay seeds..

The 3 Arabicum 'Bouquet' sporting shiny proper leaves, seeds also courtesy of Rick, planted 2013.

...and finally, my two gifted obesum plants Dang Siri and Ko Miracle X 45, both of which are in leaf dropping mode at the moment which they have done each year I've had them.

All I have to do now is get them through this winter, it's been predicted to be the harshest since 1947 :-0


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