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Sisal or jute rug for this foyer? Where to purchase?

8 years ago
last modified: 8 years ago

As I've posted in my other threads, I'm prepping the house to list for sale in the next few weeks.

It was recommended that I add a 5x8ish sisal rug to the foyer, to soften the look and reduce the slight echo in this room that comes along with the high ceiling and hard surfaces.

I've been looking at sisal and jute rugs and would appreciate any suggestions on what rug to choose and where to get it. Although I love the look, I'm not a rug person so I'm a little lost!

I'm looking for attractive and durable, yet economical, if that's possible to find.

This picture is skewing much more gold/yellow than IRL, but it might help as far as size and style. The foyer is actually a light cream color and the 10' x 10' doors/transom/sidelights and wood floors are stained dark walnut. The hutch is painted a light sagey green (Baby Turtle).

Please excuse the stacked boxes and extra hutch. We've been using the room for storage as we're getting the house ready!

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