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My Adeniums and their companions

This thread will feature my Adeniums plus many of the plants I grow with them.

My Adenium boehmianum is doing fantastic. She is loving her new lush lifestyle (waterings twice a week!!!) and seems to love the attention she is getting. She is rewarding me with beautiful foliage. She hasn't complained about the heat at all.

Adenium socotranum is also loving the heat and the max attention that I am giving him. I have private conversations with him daily and I'm certain my neighbors are enjoying the show. "You let me know if it gets too hot for you..."

This Euphorbia horrida nova I bought from someone on FB about a month ago. It was in bad shape. It is now on the mend and you can see bright green new growth coming in.

I am loving on this little guy. The name has escaped my brain but I just adore the colors on him.

Pachypodium geayi seedling is hanging with the big boys! I just love his hairdo, looks just like me first thing in the morning.

A side angle.

Trouble in thinks me knows what happened but I am too embarrassed to say it.

Say for instance someone came home from work and discovered some red mites on an obesum that seems to attract everything and went all Rambo on them with a sprayer. Let's just say the wind was blowing that day and poor EO was the victim of an overspray. I just realized this when I posted the photo with some plants missing from the rack. They have been segregated and now I recall what I did. Curse words. Curse words.

In other KO whites are turning out to be KO yellows. My yellow turned out white and now my whites are turning out yellow. How funny is that.


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