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Look this rose. I'm not sure if is an old one. Someone knows the name?

Rodrigo Mendes
7 years ago

Today I took the picture bellow. This beauty grows in the campus of the Londrina State University (UEL), Londrina, Brazil (Where I'm studying Agronomy now because my rose addiction Lol). So I need to discover the name of this rose. If someone may help me, I'll be grateful. I don't even know if she's an old one, but she has the "old-fashion" look. Description: bush habit, thin and thornless stems, leaves with five lealefts, dark green and red colors in stems and leaves. Bloom: Large, full, weak neck, yellow blend, near white, strong green apple scent, cupped bloom form, single blooms. I don't know if It is once blooming or continuous, because I found It in this year. Thanks for your attention.

Thank you!

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