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How contagious is powdery mildew?

I grow all my plants in containers, including some roses. After bringing my roses out of the shed about six weeks ago, they developed powdery mildew on the new growth. Unfortunately I didn't pay much attention to them until a week ago when I had placed my starts of melons and cucumbers near them while hardening off. Yesterday, I realized the roses were badly infected so I decided to cut off their foliage and move them to a secluded spot across the yard.

Meanwhile, my melons and cucumbers looked fine so I planted them into their permanent containers. I've never had powdery mildew on any of these plants before, so I'm not familiar with the best way to deal with it. My question is, is it possible -- or even likely -- that the powdery mildew will attack my cucurbits? Should I spray preventively? If so, what is the least toxic chemical to use? I have Green Cure and Actinovate. Are they strong enough? We are entering a period of high heat and humidity after an usually cold and wet May.

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