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Does this look like a successful Wood Duck hatch?

I finally got around to checking my wood duck house today and this is what I found.

I have had this box up in virtually the same place, but a couple different trees on what is essentially a small, almost land locked island in a large pond. It was in this same spot last year but attracted a squirrel as it did on another tree a few years back. One previous year, I found nothing but one single unbroken egg in it (no shells). But this is the first year that it looks like I may have had success after about 6 or 7 years. I only have it about 5 feet up and on a tree next to the water with no predator guard as the conditions and my physical situation doesn't allow a more optimal site. But, it looks like this may be the year.

I wish now that after checking in about February, I haven't gone down to check it since. I guess between the dread of not seeing any activity, the bigger dread of finding another unwanted guest and the threat of all the damn wood ticks, I neglected it until today.

So, let me know if this looks like a successful year this year?

Now that I look closely at the debris in the box, it looks like I may have one unhatched egg in the top left corner of the box. I will have to get back down there to clean it up anyway and replenish the cedar shavings.

Note to self: Get down there during the breeding season the monitor the box next year.

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