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Forever on the web..... ? This thread pops up in my notifications from a "like" , and I read my comments , now six years old. Know what? Nothing has changed, and I'd not change a word I wrote .

The single biggest key to getting and staying organized, is a REDUCTION in the amount of crap to be organized , and the simplest possible method employed in "organizing" said crap!. This applies to every category of goods you own, from undies to paper to spices, to who knows what else. .

Example? In this business, there is a phenomenal amount of sampling . A single multi room project , one house, can generate enough clutter to drive one mad. Fabric, wood stain samples, a bit of tile, fabric memo's , notes, floor plans, and the list goes on. My answer is not glamorous, or cute. One large canvas tote for that home, and two gallon zip lock bags. Master bedroom? Inside that tote is a zip lock and all for that room is in that baggie. Easy to find, I can see through the bag, it needs not even a label. The tote is portable, can go to the site, get tossed in the car, and is esy to tote back into the office. In a hurry? Toss it in, and it's easy to re sort later in the day. I'm a neat freak, but I also know my limits.

After just finishing a huge reno for a client addicted to every method on earth for getting her life in some order? I remain astounded at the way the methods dissolve to BECOME the clutter. Do not fall into the trap. That trap is buying your way to a method that becomes more clutter. Bins, baskets, folders, tiny bulletin boards, more baskets, colorful stickers, matching notebooks , doo dads, pencil cups, pads, clipboards, more bins and baskets.

I say this as the back to school aisles are yet again loaded with this junk. .................the office supply, the grocery, the discount stores , the big box. Take a pass. Just take a pass. It's a death trap. Get back in the car, go home, and find stuff to be RID of. Forever. My bet is you find all the bins and whatever's you will EVER need.

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Lordy Lordy. Lordy.......................almost a year later and I stand by every word. Again! The more things change, the more they remain same. Go home. Get OUT of the store. Throw it out .Donate . Don't BUY. You're at the check out reading this?? Put it back and go the heck home. I'm sure you have a trash can..............: )

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It has a "place" PUT it there

"Now" is a good word.

"Later" is not a good word

"Later" means clutter multiplied by the amount of time in the delay between now and later.

I just solved a complex problem with four key words. You only need three of the words : ) Put..., place, and now. Need one more? P.U.R.G.E LOL

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