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Perplexed in z5: Rose survived winter, but died after last cold snap?

8 years ago


I planted the Downton Abbey rose "Anna's Promise" last year and it bloomed for me. It was given a good spot in a flower bed where I have other established roses that do very well.

On Easter (March 27) I checked on it, and was happy to see it had green stems and young green leaves. My other roses also had good green signs of similar growth, but on a larger scale. I assume that was because they are more established and have a few years on this new Downton rose.

We then have one more cold snap at night-- down into the low 20s/high teens. My other roses recovered and show beautiful leafy green growth right now. The Downton rose appears to have died off. All of that green growth is now brown. This does not make sense to me, since it survived the winter which had much colder temps (0-10) at longer durations than that last cold snap.

How can I know if this rose is truly dead? Do I give it more time? Did it just go back to winter dormancy, and maybe will come back, again?


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