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Blue Watermelon Seeds and Other Online Scams

8 years ago
last modified: 8 years ago

I just don't understand how anyone could look at a picture of a bright blue watermelon and believe something like that really exists. Plus, the seeds on eBay are from China, and are so cheap, you probably wouldn't complain if you didn't get them or they didn't come up. THAT is the real scam, pricing things that don't exist so cheaply that no one complains if they lose $1 or so. They just feel stupid and move on.

I know the "dumbing down of America" has been going on for a long time, but when I see something that says over 4,000 people have bought blue watermelon seeds for less than $1, and then people are giving negative feedback when they don't get them, or they don't grow, I just have to shake my head.

A couple of years ago, a lot of users tried to get Amazon to remove ads for the Rainbow, blue and black rose seeds. They never even acknowledged our complaints, and the ads are still there to this day, so we just posted one-star reviews saying it was a scam and why. eBay is even worse. They have no way to report scams. Their motto is "buyer beware."

Why would anyone buy anything online being sold from China, especially seeds? I see so many seeds on there from China and it breaks my heart thinking of all the people being scammed. I've read the feedback and it ranges from not receiving the item to the seeds not sprouting to them being weed seeds. One ad was charging 28 cents postage -- FROM CHINA! Come on, people! If it cost more than $2 to send seeds in a bubble pack from Florida to California, do you really think someone in China could send you a package for 28 cents? I read once where factory workers in China laugh themselves silly at all the crap they make that gets sold here. Really can't blame them.

I know not everyone is a plant expert, and yes, legitimate and certified seeds are expensive sometimes, but please don't buy seeds on eBay from people in China! And don't buy rose seeds unless you have a specialized greenhouse setup to germinate and grow them. Well, you can buy lenten rose or Confederate rose, but no real roses, please. Just go to the exchange forums right here on GW and ask for what you need. Our gardeners are so generous and they watch out for each other. In fact, I got put on the "bad traders" list a few years back when I got very sick and could not complete some trades. Now no one will even answer my posts, so I have to trade seeds elsewhere. The seed exchange people are pretty unforgiving, so be sure you carry through with your trades.

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