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3/28/16: Best roses, life-tips, quotes & products & recipes you love

8 years ago
last modified: 8 years ago

My best rose is Versigny .. really miss its scent. Died in one winter, but I think it's the location, rather than the rose.

Kelly or anyone: How's the scent on Lady of Shallot rose? I have that on order, but I might change to Versigny (smell like apricot-pie, YUM).

Best life-tip that I realize after my flu-shot-disaster: Give yourself to God and He'll will protect you. Give yourself to greed or weakness and you'll land in trouble. The commandments in the Bible are meant to protect us, but we often follow our weakness rather than trusting in God.

Best products are spice-blends from the Spice House .. it's 20 min. from me, but folks can order on-line through the Spice House or its sister branch Penzey spices. We tried the Vadouvan French Masala Curry and it was THE BEST curry ever. It's "The traditional Indian curry flavors of turmeric, cumin, curry leaves, and coriander are given a sophisticated French twist with the addition of grated shallots." See link below:


It's really hard to find a good curry for my fussy-daughter ... she doesn't like it hot. The above curry-blend was so good that the entire house was fragrant. Other cheap curry are too harsh or stinky. Below is a bouquet with Versigny, my favorite rose .. pure delicious fruity scent that beat Golden Celebration.

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