10/27/15: Tips & recipes & thoughts to healthy life and healthy roses
9 years ago
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- 9 years agolast modified: 9 years agostrawchicago z5 thanked jessjennings0 zone 10b
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11/17/15: Healthy recipes for roses & us, products that work
Comments (31)Great idea for early Christmas tree !! Looks good, Jim. I don't put mine up until the last minute, since my kid likes to jump rope everywhere. Then her friends come over and want to jump rope, so we always have empty space. I gave away a sofa to make room for their exercises. I'm breaking out in rash from using fish oil. It was fine for the first few weeks, then I developed an allergic reaction after repeated using. Sam's club sells Barlean's Omega-Swirl liquid fish oil really cheap .. $4 for a huge bottle, 24 OZ. It tastes like sorbet. Regular price is over $30, but Sam's club sells it for $4 since it's end of season, plus there's the news that fish oil raised the risk of prostrate cancer. Dairy & calcium also raise prostate cancer risk. The late rosarian Karl Bapst had prostate cancer. From WebMD: " The researchers reviewed 12 studies, conducted between 1966 and 2005, which examined dairy and calcium intake and prostate cancer incidence. They report that men who ate the most dairy products had an 11% increase in prostate cancer risk compared with men who ate the fewest. Men with the highest intake of calcium were 39% more likely to develop prostate cancer than men with the lowest. The risk increases reported in the studies were modest. But an author of the latest work tells WebMD that it is potentially significant because prostate cancer is so common. Prostate cancer is the most widely diagnosed cancer among American men. According to the American Cancer Society, one out of six men will develop the disease. One out of 34 men will die from the disease." http://www.webmd.com/prostate-cancer/news/20051206/lots-of-dairy-linked-to-prostate-cancer From Straw: Omega-3 in fish oil raises prostate cancer risk even more. Fish oil capsule is quite stinky once I poke it to sniff. The fish oil liquid I take is stinky compared to eating FRESH fish. Anything stinky & concentrated isn't good for health. The book "The China Study" written by Dr. Campbell tested fish-protein, cow-milk protein and induced cancer in rats with BOTH. But vegetables and plant-protein shrank tumor in rats. " Mercury is not the only toxin found in fish and fish oil. Polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, are commonly found, in high levels, in fish Oil supplements. PCBs are considered carcinogens, or cancer causing, and are also known to cause headaches, cough, fatigue, skin sores and more. There is currently a lawsuit against fish oil companies because they are not disclosing the levels of PCBs and other chemicals present in their products." http://ezinearticles.com/?3-Reasons-Fish-Oil-is-Bad-For-You&id=4371461 "These anti-inflammatory omega-3s were associated with a 43 percent increased risk for prostate cancer overall, and a 71 percent increased risk in aggressive prostate cancer," said study lead author Theodore Brasky, a research assistant professor at Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center in Columbus, who was at Hutchinson at the time of the study." http://www.webmd.com/prostate-cancer/news/20130710/too-much-fish-oil-might-boost-prostate-cancer-risk-study-says?page=2...See More11/29/15: Rootstocks for pots, tips for roses & our health & recipes
Comments (79)Carol: Some doctors mistake phytoestrogen (God-made & natural) with chemical estrogen (man-made). My Swedish mother-in-law grew up drinking tons of cow-milk (zero flax, zero soy), and had a mastectomy at 40 year old. No history of breast-cancer in my family of 9 girls (I'm the youngest girl), nor in my Mom nor Dad's side ... we eat tons of soy-products in Vietnam & zero cow milk. I got curious about phytoestrogen (occur naturally in plants) versus chemical hormones added to cow milk .. found this article from Cornell University: "A diet rich in phytoestrogens has been proposed as a way to decrease breast cancer risk. Some, but not all studies show that women with a diet high in phytoestrogens, including vegans (who eat no animal foods) and women who eat diets high in soy products, have lower rates of breast cancer. Why is this so? Most phytoestrogens are not stored in the body, but are quickly broken down. Phytoestrogens are weak estrogens, and may prevent stronger human estrogens from binding to the estrogen receptor. If the weaker estrogens bind to the receptor instead of the stronger ones, there may be less breast cell division. Women with diets rich in phytoestrogens also excrete more estrogens into their urine, and have lower blood estrogen levels. Some studies have shown that women with a diet rich in phytoestrogens have longer, and hence fewer, menstrual cycles. All of these factors may contribute to reduced breast cancer risk." http://www.envirocancer.cornell.edu/FactSheet/General/fs10.estrogen.cfm Below excerpt is from Oncology nutrition - Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics " Animal studies have shown that both flaxseed oil and lignans can reduce breast tumor growth and spread, even for ER- cancer cells. This result suggests that flaxseeds may have anti-cancer benefits that are unrelated to any type of effect on estrogen or estrogen metabolism." https://www.oncologynutrition.org/erfc/hot-topics/flaxseeds-and-breast-cancer/ Phytoestrogen is DIFFERENT from chemical hormones injected into cow to make them produce milk longer. An excerpt from below link: "new study out of Harvard University showing that pasteurized milk product from factory farms is linked to causing hormone-dependent cancers. It turns out that the concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO) model of raising cows on factory farms churns out milk with dangerously high levels of estrone sulfate, an estrogen compound linked to testicular, prostate, and breast cancers. Dr. Ganmaa Davaasambuu, Ph.D., and her colleagues specifically identified "milk from modern dairy farms" as the culprit, referring to large-scale confinement operations where cows are milked 300 days of the year, including while they are pregnant. Compared to raw milk from her native Mongolia, which is extracted only during the first six months after cows have already given birth, pasteurized factory milk was found to contain up to 33 times more estrone sulfate. http://www.naturalnews.com/035081_pasteurized_milk_cancer_dairy.html#ixzz3uj5y7wGc Havard-trained doctor Andrew Weil, M.D. stated "Among women, milk consumption has been associated with an increased risk of ovarian cancer in both the Nurses' Health Study and in a 2005 study from Sweden's Karolinska Institute. Organic milk is better in many respects than conventional milk but still may be full of natural hormones. My advice: cut down on dairy products. Substitute soy milk for cow's milk when possible. Andrew Weil, M.D." From Physicians committee for responsible medicine "In international and interregional correlational studies, dairy product consumption has been consistently associated with prostate cancer mortality.3-7 The largest and most recent of these, based on World Health Organization mortality figures for 1985-1989 from 59 countries and United Nations food balance data for 1979-1981, reported a strong correlation between per capita milk consumption and prostate cancer mortality (r = 0.78, P<0.0001).7 A more geographically restricted study, conducted in 20 Italian regions, found a similar correlation between prostate cancer mortality and milk consumption (r = 0.75, P <0.01).6 http://www.pcrm.org/health/health-topics/milk-consumption-and-prostate-cancer *** From Straw: Agree with all the above researches, I gave flax oil to my kid to improve her eczema (skin-rash). I'm taking flax oil & flax seeds to improve my skin-rash. I develop an allergic reaction to the new batch of fish-oil (really stinky) .. and I still need Omega-3 for my dry-hands....See More3/28/16: Best roses, life-tips, quotes & products & recipes you love
Comments (47)Jess: Remember the puzzle over what cause our cravings for sweets ?? I still take Brewer's yeast (high in chromium, B vitamins, selenium) for my sweets-craving. I consumed Brewer's yeast for my immune when I was sick with flu-shot reaction, it took away my craving for sugar (despite drinking just lemons, no sugar). Now I cut down to 1/4 dose (only twice a week), just to supply chromium to stabilize my blood sugar. It does help with craving for sweets, see below excerpt: http://www.livestrong.com/article/101523-herbs-lose-weight/ "Chromium: This trace mineral helps metabolize carbohydrates. Some diabetics take it to help stabilize their blood sugar. It also can be used to curb cravings for sweets. Susan Brown, a certified clinical nutritionist in East Syracuse, New York. She recommended 200 micrograms of chromium four times per day to a woman who craved sweets. The woman was amazed at how quickly her cravings were tamed." *** From Straw: Months ago, I reported that eating eggs daily helped with my craving for sweets ... found that eggs are good sources of chromium: Foods High in Natural Chromium Beef Brewer’s Yeast Dark Chocolate Chicken Eggs Oysters Potatoes with the skin on Whole Grains Apples Read more: http://undergroundhealthreporter.com/sugar-cravings-how-to-control/#ixzz44hqTBlAK WebMD also reported that chromium helps with craving for sweets, see below: " June 3, 2004 -- A popular nutritional supplement may reduce serious carb cravings in people with depression. The supplement is chromium picolinate. John P. Docherty, MD, president of Comprehensive Neuroscience Inc., White Plains, N.Y., and adjunct professor of psychiatry at Cornell University, penned the report. Docherty's study enrolled 113 people with atypical depression. Two-thirds took chromium picolinate supplements for eight weeks, and one-third got a placebo. Researchers found that atypical depression patients who also had carb cravings improved with chromium compared to placebo. "In that group with high carb craving -- a third of the patients -- we had a very significant benefit from chromium picolinate," Docherty says. "Compared with placebo, it had a 2-to-1 advantage in reducing depression overall." http://www.webmd.com/depression/news/20040603/chromium-may-cut-carb-craving-in-depression?page=2 **** From Straw: I used to buy chromium supplement but threw that away, after studies linked that to liver-damage. Brewer's yeast is much better, since it has all B vitamins, along with chromium and selenium. Will have to find the amount of chromium and selenium in the dosage....See MoreHealthy no-spray roses along with healthy recipes
Comments (363)The neighbors in my Nextdoor forum advised to NEVER CLICK on a link sent by a stranger. If I want to do transfer money through Zelle, I go to my bank's website, rather than the link provided by the seller (a scammer). That's how someone got scammed by using the faked link to Zelle provided by the seller, stealing $300 from the buyer. Below are from my Nextdoor forum: "Never Ever sign up for something through a link sent from someone. You sign up for Zelle, not the other way around. I had a similar situation through Face Book Marketplace that they wanted me to pay them through Paypal but use the link they sent me. On FB someone is renting a 3 bedroom 2 bath home for $1K. They require a deposit and first month. Here is the scam. We rent this apt through AirBNB, and they will forward you a link to follow to send them the money. I knew was a scam so I played along. I reported to FB. It's unfortunate, but I have reported more than 20 accounts to Facebook, and they do nothing. Even some of those accounts that are selling newer cars for $1,500 with a Neme like "Mike Rogers" a white fellow, when you look at their friends and pictures, is in reality someone from India, Pakistan, Zimbawe... etc. Never ever click a link from an unknown email, text, or solicitation. Venmo is another method people use to steal your money. It's not like the bank or even PayPal where you can dispute a charge. Never EVER open a link someone has forwarded you. If you need to sign up for something, go directly to the biz page yourself and sign up. You can usually hover over the link itself to see the web address or if you do click on it, you can see the actual address it sent you to is not legit, even if the page looks to be." I just had someone try the scam on me. They said that they sent me $400 via Zelle but I needed to click on a link in the email to increase my Zelle limit to $700 then I would just send them back $300. I called him out on it and he stopped responding. This guy's name is Kayden Light. Beware folks! Scammers are out in full force now." The above are reports from my Nextdoor forum in my Chicago suburb....See MoreRelated Professionals
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