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moisture found under laminate floating floor - cleaning advice??

8 years ago

Hi, we finished our basement about a year ago. A couple of months ago I noticed a smell coming from part of the basement and tiny drops of liquid coming out from under the vinyl planking. We removed the vinyl planking and found water moisture trapped between the cement and vinyl floating floor (only on half, the other half was painted - no moisture there). We had done the plastic test on floor and found no water. We ripped up all the flooring and didn't see any mold, but left a HORRIBLE smell. I don't know if this smell is from the glue or is the start of a mold mildew issue. The smell sort of smells like ammonia. How can I clean up the smell, we already used vinegar and the next day a bleach solution?? Do you think the water could also be in the walls. The walls have paint, pressure treated wood, rigid board and green board for drywall. How long could the smell last before I get concerned and need to rip out the drywall?? What else can I try cleaning it with?

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