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Many problems after Win10 uninstall

8 years ago

We have HP Pavilion with Win8.1. We had Win10 installed for 8 days until we started losing apps. We couldn't use Cortana, our email program wouldn't open, we lost all use of Calendar. Since then, we've had lots of problems. I guess I'm a novice, as all I know, I learned on XP and it's very different from Win8. Is anyone willing to help? I thought this site was for us to help each other. I hope it still is. I've gotten some great suggestions recently that helped me solve some of our problems.

Comments (35)

  • 8 years ago

    "We had" W10 installed by whom? need specifics on problems, and more info. like what e-mail program etc..

    User thanked aputernut
  • 8 years ago

    Microsoft had sent a message on installing Win 10. So it was installed thru our computer, connecting with Microsoft site. I guess the email app is Live Mail, as it has no designation. But those problems seem to be resolved. I only mentioned them because I think my current problems may arise from all the problems caused by Win10 install. My problems now mostly are trying to use facebook and not being able to find even my husband on facebook. I also cannot upload any photos to facebook either from the FB page, or from the photo Gallery on computer which has FB icon at top of page. I get a box that tells me I'm not logged in to FB, even when I am. the page heading is IE telling me I'm not logged into FB. Is there a way to resolve this or is there a forum for FB? Thanks for offering to help. I've seen you on here for years.

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    Well, I replaced my pre-November ISOs with the newer ones. . A couple paragraphs from http://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-reverses-course-restores-downloads-of-windows-10-november-update/: ---------- "The Windows 10 media creation tool, which allows Windows users to download installation files for clean installations and upgrades, will once again allow anyone to obtain build 10586, a full installation package that incorporates the November Update. The biggest benefit of the new installation files is that it allows Windows 10 to be activated using a product key from Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 8.1." ---------- If I'm reading that right, that would explain why my older ISOs would not accept my Windows 7 key when doing a clean install. Also, again if I'm reading correctly, the newer ISOs should accept any valid 7, 8, 8.1 key. The dark blue/purple image I posted above was obtained through a search. The screens I was getting are the white ones. Why the difference? I don't have a clue. This is a more recent image using the 64 bit ISO I just downloaded: Clicking "I don't have a product key" allows me to continue with the install.
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    Go to Settings and select Update & security > Windows Defender. Under Processes: Exclusions, select Add an exclusion. I have 6 Exclusions below: C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbam.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbamdor.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbampt.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbamservice.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbamscheduler.exe C:\Windows\System32\drivers\mbam.sys You might have to do that if you want Defender running. You can copy and paste the lines above into the Exclusions box on defender. You may have to do one line at a time. In most cases Malwarebytes will run along with Defender without doing this, but there are some situations where it may be required to do it. Doing this tells Defender to ignore Malwarebytes.
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  • 8 years ago

    As a work-around, you might try going to the Control Panel to set up a new user account, with full Administrator authority, and see if you can access all of your programs from there. This worked for me when the All Apps drop-down menu couldn't be brought up.

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    IE? are you not using the new Edge browser which is so much better then IE, many have told me and I know this as well IE is no longer getting along with W10 and is be3ing fazed out. I have Fb and N/P's and yes, I help many, many folks and do remotes as well to fix screwed up Pc's (and I work Free) LOL I also belong to the Windows forum where techies help each other or keep up with the latest problems and fixes.

  • 8 years ago

    Win10 was uninstalled after it disabled several apps for both users. It also removed my HP laser mouse software. IE is what I have with Win8.1. I just tried it again. Signed into FB, opened Photo Gallery, signed in to that too. FB icon in Photo Gallery gets me a box headed IE, says I'm not signed into FB. I did not minimize the FB page.

    Thanks, Randy for the suggestion of creating a new user account with admin. I've already done that. It didn't help. We are now debating re-installing Win10, it has apparently downloaded already.

    Is there a site to learn and maybe solve FB problems? I can't find my best friend who I've emailed for years. Can't even find my hubby on FB. How odd is that? He's on the same computer. These 2 people can't find me on FB because I'm unable to upload my photo. There is a large list of folks with my same name. I know little about FB but wanted to connect more with family 1800 miles away. Am in the first baby steps of learning about it.

  • 8 years ago

    I'm confused, W10 has downloaded to your PC as it did to thousands of others correct? then you did the install or you did not? if not then you need to install it, and allow it to save all your files etc. But first it's best to uninstall any anti virus software etc. except for windows defender or security essentials, because any other may cause a failure of install, you can add back the ones you want later. Worry about FB later, get W10 running right first.

  • 8 years ago


    You must have missed it in the first post but carolssis stated they Uninstalled Windows 10.

    She is also saying that Windows 10 is already downloaded onto this same computer now running Windows 8. She's wondering if they should try Reinstalling Windows 10 because things aren't running well in Win 8 after the Uninstall of Win 10.

    I'd normally be happy to help but I know exactly (Nada, Zero Zilch) about Facebook! I do have an account but I can't remember the last time I looked at it? Even when I was trying it out I didn't like it much, so I just quit using it! Sure hope someone comes along that can help.

    Not sure what went wrong with your computer, but I really haven't had much go wrong in over 50 installs of Win 10! I did have a few minor WiFi Card issues!

    I do recommend Win 10, just not sure if a Reinstall of Windows 10 will fix the problems you've run into! It may be better to get the problems fixed before Upgrading again!

    User thanked User
  • 8 years ago

    It is my understanding that W10 ability to roll back was removed, I could be wrong but this is my info. but if it was rolled back successfully then you should be able to download and install again. As stated before you must check off allow to save all files etc. and remove any other security software other then defender and security essentials, then install should go smooth as butta!

  • 8 years ago

    We installed Win10 4 August. We uninstalled it 4 Sept. This was after visiting Microsoft site and going thru the 3 steps listed to fix our mail, calendar, people apps. One was command prompt, admin. There were over 4,400 people with the same issues on ms site. I'm assuming the roll back was within the time period specified, as it was so soon after install. I went to store and reinstalled Mail app. as suggested by MS.

    Right now, Windows Update is having trouble installing updates. I have it set to let me know and I install. There are over 30 updates, so I chose to install 6 at a time. Only 2 have installed. Yes, it is set to check automatically. No idea why there are so many. Will get that taken care of and consider, again installing Win10.

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    What anti virus do you run? also it is best to suspend or stop security apps., while installing updates.

    User thanked aputernut
  • 8 years ago

    MS gave you 30 days to Roll Back to the previous Operating System. I may be wrong it depends on how Microsoft counts, but that could be 32 days. I'm not sure if they changed the 30 Day Roll Back or not? But back in August and September it should have still been in effect.

    Sounds to me like you just have a mess from the Uninstall. I think I would Backup Documents, Files, Pictures, Videos and Music, then Reinstall Windows 10.

  • 8 years ago

    I was able to get my Windows update issue resolved. No idea why there were so many. I thought it would update weekly, it's now around monthly. I installed in 7 or 8 at a time. My husband wants guarantees that Win10 install will not cause us all the problems we had the first time. I told him we don't even get a guarantee on our next breath. I've been checking on computer sites, to see how the "fixes" for Win10 are going, if it's being recommended now. I'm willing to re-install it. I have one other task I found a solution for on MS site and will do that first. Thanks, bugspop1 and aputernut, for your help and suggestions. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the help. You're a Godsend. Pat yourself on the back!

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    With Windows 10 you'll find that it's about once a month for the Updates. But if there are important Updates Microsoft thinks you need, they'll install them whenever and wherever! It doesn't have to be a month until they install it, could be today or tomorrow, next week or next month.

  • 8 years ago

    The main issue I have had to deal with while helping others with the W10 upgrade is user error; specifically impatience. They feel the download or the installation is taking too long. This even after all the alerts to the process itself, and the necessary time constraints have been presented. They declare the system frozen, and unfortunately begin X-ing out, rebooting or shutting down.

    Previously I never let Windows do my updates as I did them in groups manually. Since I have now had two episodes of an installed update block the connectivity of Windows Update, once with W8.1 and the other W10, I leave my system on 24/7 and let W10 handle the updating. It will be easier to research and find any potentially offending update.


    User thanked DA_Mccoy
  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    DA, I agree with the Impatience while Installing and Setting Up Windows 10. It is a very long process and many people believe their system has frozen and then try to eXit out of the Upgrade. Many problems are then created. The people that have done this then accuse Microsoft Windows 10 for their troubles when all along it was/is their own fault! Microsoft does tell you many times, this is a very long process and to be patient!

    User thanked User
  • 8 years ago

    I completely understand the time it takes to do updates and installs. It took me one entire day, around 12 hours to reinstall my XP o.s. and all the updates. Some years ago, of course. I did finally get all the updates in yesterday, 46 including optionals. I did them mostly in groups of 7 with restarts. I have a book on hand while waiting. Thanks for bringing it up, it can be a long process that shouldn't be interrupted. I'm happy I was able to resolve it. Thanks to all for your thoughts and suggestions. I'm still investigating other issues before reinstalling Win10. Thanks so much.

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    We weren't really saying this was you carolssis. Many people in general have done this and it does cause many problems with the previous operating system and programs. Believe me, even with the 50+ installs of Windows 10 I've done, I've been tempted a few times myself thinking the computer had frozen. The Download and Install depends upon many things, The Speed of your Internet Connection, the Speed of your Computer to name a few at the top of the list!

  • 8 years ago

    I've been checking odd looking things I've found. I have 2 areas I'd like to ask about. Should I start another thread or continue with this one. They concern system properties, network locations, and D drive, recovery image. Thanks.

  • 8 years ago

    I'd keep in this topic

  • 8 years ago

    About (D:) drive, recovery.10.5 GB used, 1.24 GB free. Folders listed:

    Already.Shrunk.FLG 0 bytes

    $Recycle.Bin type (.BIN) 129 bytes 1 File 6 Folders

    desktop, this pc, properties, system protection, protection settings(how I got here)

    Windows (C:) system ON

    Recovery Image (D:) OFF

    there are other listings, but these don't seem right to me. This is why I hesitate to install Win10 thanks, every one!

  • 8 years ago

    Windows (C:) system ON

    So protection for c drive is on

    system protection should not be turned on for the Recovery D partition.

    User thanked zep516
  • 8 years ago

    My question is : are the 2 folders mentioned Already.Shrunk and$ Recycle.Bin.normal for the recovery drive? I don't recall seeing these in any recovery drive in the past. Just seems odd to me. I could be wrong.

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    Maybe its specific to hp

    From HP Web site,

    Do not delete any files that are associated to recovery! Do not delete the items RECOVERY, $RECYCLE.BIN, boot, hp, PC-Doctor, pcdr, or PRELOAD! Doing so can prevent a future system recovery from the hard drive. If you are not sure, do not delete the file.

    The HP site mentions the "recycle bin" in there warning above so perhaps there is a recycle bin on the recovery partition. I would not worry about anything you see there including the files an folders that say shrunk, I believe its all there the way it is for a reason.

  • 8 years ago

    Thanks. I appreciate the trouble you went to in finding out for me. I wasn't planning on changing or deleting any of it, I was just looking to find out if they were legitimate.

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    No user should ever concern themselves with anything having to do with the contents of the recovery partition. That's one of many Stay Out areas of a PC as far as I'm concerned.

  • 8 years ago

    I give up. I'm going to wheedle the money to take this machine to a repair shop. I fail to understand that if you think the user is the problem, PEBCAK, that you would bother to respond.

    There are too many problems for me to resolve from the Win10 uninstall. The uninstall was recommended by Microsoft Tech Support after he failed to help me fix Mail, Calendar, Cortana, People apps during a 2 1/2 Hour phone call.

    Since last Sept. I've been trying to get this machine to work as it should. I've spent many hours on MS site, looking for articles on other sites that address our problems. My husband and I have spent many hours searching and trying to resolve these problems. 5 months.

    The last thing we need is snarky comments, snotty opinions and in general, erroneous assumptions. This was always a place for us to come to ask for help. It's not any longer, and the pointless crap is a waste of time when we have spent so much of it trying to fix this ourselves.

    Many thanks to those of you who asked specific questions and gave good advice and shared your knowledge. You are truly a God send to those of us who need help.

  • 8 years ago

    This is what my HP says on the path to the Recovery Partition: in This PC:



    This area of your hard drive (or partition) contains files used to perform a system recovery.

    Do not delete or alter any of these files.

    Any change to this partition could prevent a system recovery in the future."


  • 8 years ago

    Thanks DA, I knew that. The reason I asked was that it is different from what it was before Win10 uninstall. Completely different. I wanted to know if the oddly named files I saw there were legitimate. I think they must be different now because Win10 removal changed them, but I didn't think they would be so completely different. I appreciate your help. Thanks so much.

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    I installed W10 on 4 PC's in my home took 1/W7 up to W10 and 3 W8.1's up to W10 and I have no problems with any of them, even DH who is still a novice and not techie oriented like me, is having no problems with his W10 and we both like it very, very much! I just don't get it? and I do so much with my PC's, really put them through the paces so to speak. My installs went smoothly and all is good, I love Edge and Cortana is a hoot. If I can be of help to anyone, I'm here. P.S. all PC's here are HP's which I also love!

    User thanked aputernut
  • 8 years ago

    I just bought a new Dell Lattitude Laptop with Windows 7.0 Professional and have a Dell Desktop with Windows 7.0 Home....but, I am still chicken to upgrade to W10...maybe in July I will upgrade after Microsoft has all the kinks out....one question...should I do it or have a Computer Technician do it????.....I am not as techie as you all are....thanks for any input...I still have my Windows XP Dell Desktop that I don't use it online but still love it....kind of slow.....also have a Vista Laptop that my hubby uses....all have Foxfire for a browser....

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    After July it will no longer be Free it will be $199.00, there are no kinks, install is easy if you follow directions, once started your PC does the rest, you just sit back and wait.

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    Cricket please consider:

    Be sure to externally backup anything that is important to you, photos, music, documents, financial matters, etc. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure....."

    If your monitor and or system is set to go to sleep after a certain period change the configuration to never. Remember to re-check your desired settings after installation is competed.

    Be aware that the process will take some time. It will be hours. Depending on the target system itself and your connection speed it could be many hours. My longest personal experience is almost six hours with a slow connection. So make a pot of tea, have your Kindle close by. Be prepared to "watch the paint dry". Remember: patience.

    If you normally shut down your system at night do not while upgrading. Just leave things alone. Nothing will blow up.

    Make notes of everything you do including times and options you have selected. Just in case.

    After upgrading three systems you will be the go-to user of your neighborhood.

    You'll be fine.


  • 8 years ago

    The most common problem reported on the MS or Windows forums in installing W10 are the failures due to not uninstalling security software such as Norton etc. or anything other then Windows Defender or Security Essentials, you can reinstall after W10 is finished and up and running. And always choose to install leaving your files intact. With my 4 PC's all was exactly as before I did the install, I do always backup and save in a few places my files, photo's etc. anyway, I always have. And my installs never took more then an hr. the longest ones are the ones you download first, then install, the ones that downloaded from MS and sit on your taskbar, only require install.

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