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New plants, need a couple of ID's

My husband had a dentist appointment today to see how much it would cost for dentures. I was a little bummed by the price so I had to do something to make myself feel better. After taking the husband to work I stopped at my favorite nursery and found the terrarium plant section. They were too cute to pass up. I had to step over a whole lot of photography equipment because they were doing a photo shoot. Two models that really didn't look like they knew anything about plants were ooohhhing and aaaahhhhing over plants.

Calathea x Fusion White I really don't know what I'm going to do with another Calathea but this one is a show stopper.

an oak leaf creeping fig

another creeping fig and something or other.

An aroid of some sort

another whatzit.

and I told the lady that I was looking at the hoyas but I didn't want to get one because they had mealies. I was hoping she'd mark it down. She did one better and told me if I wanted to hake it home I could and if it survived the mealy bug treatment to bring her $10 marked down from $40. I couldn't pass it up because the mealies weren't too bad and I love a challenge.

Variegated Hoya kentiana

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