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1/3/16: What you learn this year on wisdom, roses, health, others?

strawchicago z5
8 years ago
last modified: 8 years ago

What I learn through my miserable flu-shot reaction this New year 2016:

1. Don't let people's evils possess you, abide in God's love and read the Holy books instead.

In the past, I let people's weaknesses bother me, such as someone's insensitive comments ... Now I just shrug them off, and occupy myself with God' love.

2. You don't need to take that in .. you can give to God who made you.

That applies to food, I don't need to eat food that harm my body, I can give to God's purse for the poor. That applies to people's bad behavior & negative thoughts ... I don't need to take that in, I can give to my Creator through prayer. God is bigger, He can handle that better than I can.

3. If people misbehave, that's their problem, not mine. I becomes my problem only when I make it mine. One of the NDE (near-death-experience) person complained about her brother, and the angel said to her, "Dear, don't make their problems be your problems."

4. Don't expect anyone to understand you, since they didn't make you ... the Creator did. Only God can understand my problems. Life is so much easier when I give up my control over the universe & respect others' freedom & their pursuit of happiness. Life is better when I take care of myself, and create my own happiness.

5. Religion is good since it teaches us to respect God's boundaries (don't take the name of God in vain), and people boundaries' (no lying, false-witness, hurting or adultery). My new year resolution is to attend church more often, so my kid can learn to respect God's boundaries established to protect us.

What do you learn this year on wisdom, roses, and the experiences you went through last year? What are your new year's goals? Thanks.

Bouquet picked in a hottest summer: Golden Celebration is on the left, that's my most favorite scent, like cupcakes from the oven:

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