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I don't mind the procedure, it's the prep I can't stand, Colonoscopy.

9 years ago

I have family history of colon cancer so I know I have to do it, but been putting it off because the stuff you have to drink is so nasty. I have been going in for the last 28 years, every 5 years. If my dad hadn't died in a car accident he would have died of colon cancer in less than a year.

I have done every kind of prep and they all are bad. Just the thought of drinking the stuff gives me a gag response and makes me want to throw up. My doctor knows this and has suggested a new plan. Any one done this or used these products. Two days without solid food doesn't sound like fun either.

The clear liquid diet starts at 12 midnight 2 days prior to procedure

-At 6pm 2 days prior drink the first 10oz bottle of Magnesium Citrate with at least 16-32oz of clear liquids

- At 9pm drink the second 10 oz bottle of Magnesium citrate with at least 16-32 oz of clear liquid.

You will be continuing the clear liquid diet all day

Broth - chicken, beef or vegetable
Jell-O - No red, blue or purple
Popsicles - No red, blue, or purple
Fruit juices - NO Orange Juice, Grapefruit juice or V8- If you can see through it and there is nothing floating in it you can have it
Coffee - WITHOUT creamer
Tea - hot or cold
Soft drinks - Coke, Diet Coke, Mountain Dew - No red, blue, or purple
Gatorade - No red, blue, or purple
Any clear drinks - water, sprite, lemonade, etc.

Beginning at 6:00pm pour one bottle of Suprep into the mixing cup and fill with cold water to the 16 oz line.
Drink all 16 oz of Suprep prep.
Drink 32 oz of water over the next hour.
Continue your clear liquid diet

Day of your procedure
Continue your clear liquid diet
Beginning 5 hours prior to your procedure time, pour the second bottle of Suprep in the mixing cup and fill with cold water to the 16 oz line.
Drink all 16 oz of Suprep prep.
Drink 32 oz of water over the next hour.
As of 3 hours prior to procedure, nothing to drink and no mints, candy or gum until after your procedure.

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