I don't mind the procedure, it's the prep I can't stand, Colonoscopy.
9 years ago
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I can't STAND this new Puppy/Budweiser Ad it's so cute!!
Comments (19)I do like the Twins/Olympic ad! In a way however, the powerful REAL "Human drama" in that story is a little "lessened" in a way because it's for only a "beer". Can't put my finger on exactly WHY, but there's a slight disconnect for ME anyway. This the original 9/11-Clydesdale ad. Aired only once on TV. When the music changes & the team starts to kneel....oh my... Faron Here is a link that might be useful: 9/11 Clydesdales......See MoreI can't stand it anymore!
Comments (33)Well, I made the trip this morning. I didn't meet the person from the infamous voice mail though. I told the clerk when the cat was taken in and what she looked like and the story about the kittens. She said that she didn't know of anything like that but that I was free to look at all the cats they had. There were some beautiful animals there, but I didn't see my hotel kitty. I can only assume the worst. I showed the lady the picture and she said she didn't remember seeing a cat that looked like that. I guess they get so many it's hard to keep up with each one. They had several kittens as well, but I don't know which if any were hers because I didn't get a look at them before animal control came. Maybe it worked out for the best. If I do get a second kitty as a companion for Jasper and myself it should really be a boy (according to everyone who seems to know), and one that is tame. I don't know why I wanted this kitty so badly... we didn't connect... I spent hours chasing it and watching it run full speed away from me. I asked myself why I really wanted this kitty. I think I just wanted to feel good about "rescuing" a "homeless" kitty. I want to expand my family, but I think when the kitty is right the situation will work out. There was a beautiful silver and grey kitty at a gas station 2 days ago that I tried to approach. It ran so fast, I thought it was going to dart into traffic. I think I would like to get a kitty of the street instead of going to a shelter (especially this one after my dealings with them!). I will just have to find one that isn't quite so scared if that is even possible. I would of course take it to the SPCA to have it speutered and vaccinated before I took it into my home. Anyway... that's the update... thanks to everyone who responded....See MoreI don't know how you do it! Ready to cry!
Comments (32)Oh suzie2003's post reminds me! One June, years ago, we had our wood floors refinished. Because of the humidity, it was too tacky for the guy to finish them for days. It didn't bother me but it drove my DH crazy. Every day the flooring guy would show up, crawl across the floor on his hands and knees and then say, no, it's still too tacky for the next coat. The guy even came to the house on a Sunday morning, clearly looking like he rolled out of bed, his hair all sticking up, slapped a tool belt over his cut off sweats, and came to our house to touch the floor. The floors look great and, to me, it was worth it so when we added hardwood to the kitchen we called the same guy back. He seemed to be the poster child of what can happen if you breath in too many fumes. But we also suspected it might have been more a result of a misspent youth....See MoreDare I say I don't like it? (Again?!?)
Comments (68)I'm with pllog. I may not have bad allergy attacks most of the time, but cats love me and make a beeline for me when I go into a house. As a real estate agent, I try to be very careful to not insult the homeowner, but if they touch any exposed skin of mine, I have an instant rash. I make a joke about not being able to touch the cat while talking to the cat and most h.o.s get the hint and pick them up and often move them elsewhere. If a house has multiple cats or is not very clean, I will sniffle all day and feel lousy. Most of the time, I am not there long enough to have a really bad reaction. I only had my throat start to close up twice in my life. Running outside and gulping air fixed it. I can care about a friend and not want allergy problems or, quite frankly, to care about their cat. You can love whomever you want, but sometimes it is not proper to foist them on others. I adore our sons but it is not always proper to mix them with company. The same is true of pets. A quick hello is plenty. If I had worse allergies, then that would even be too much. Having a non allergy aversion is also acceptable. It is nothing personal about your pet, but some people have a fear of dogs and that does not make them bad people. I was bit by a chihuahua years ago and am still leery around them despite not having much fear of larger more imposing dogs. I have some allergies with certain breeds of dogs, but will still choose to pet them and suffer a small reaction. The key is it is my choice as to which pet I will touch or not. My allergy to dogs is less than to cats, but I also like dogs more. Not liking cats is a personal choice and does not preclude me being a good friend or guest. If that means someone thinks I am not worthy because I don't like their "Fluffy", then it is their loss. The funny part is I am usually the most attractive human in the room to cats. I can walk in with several cat lovers and the cats want nothing to do with them, but love me. They must love "hard to get" people....See More- 9 years ago
- 9 years ago
- 9 years agolast modified: 9 years agocaflowerluver thanked rhizo_1 (North AL) zone 7
- 9 years ago
- 9 years ago
- 9 years ago
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