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so bummed

Pat Z5or6 SEMich
8 years ago

Earlier this summer, I switched to mostly liquid laundry detergents, especially since re-newing my memory about there being non-precipitates in liquids and precipitates in powder detergents. I have medium water, not hard, not soft. I deduced that my old, dry, sensitive skin didn't need the precipitates, so liquids would be perfect for my situation.

WELL, today I had a dermatologist appointment at University of Michigan medical center and their handout to dry and sensitive skinned patients says "Wash all clothing in UNSCENTED POWDER detergent. Avoid all fabric softeners and dryer sheets."

What the heck!

I'm working on reminding myself that Consumer Reports did favor Tide Free & Clear powder for top loaders back in 2014, but it's not helping.

Bummer. What do YOU think?

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