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The monarchs are on the move!

Up until this afternoon we've only seen one or two monarch butterflies at a time here, even on the heptacodium which stared blooming a week or so ago. But this afternoon they started arriving.... there were about a dozen fluttering around the tree by the end of the afternoon. At one point DH saw a monarch and a hummingbird competing for the same flower cluster! (He's not sure yet if the picture he took worked or not - he thinks the shutter speed might have been too slow to capture it....) When we were walking the dog about 4:30, as we came up the street there was a noticeable number of monarchs fluttering about. There are three other fairly large front gardens close to ours, so there is lots to attract them to this area. It'll be interesting to see how it looks tomorrow morning - it's supposed to be quite cool tonight and when that is the case in migration season, the monarchs usually roost for the night in the dense white cedar tree behind the heptacodium and then come out to feed on the heptacodium in the morning when the temperatures warm up. So we'll be watching the tree anxiously in the morning! Up to today it's been looking like a very poor monarch season but we're now a bit more hopeful that the numbers might be a bit better than they've been in the past couple of years.

There are still some hibiscuses out there putting on a show today too:

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