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Need help with Kitchen Layout & IKEA kitchen software?

9 years ago
last modified: 9 years ago

Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong? It crashes all the time and it's just not intuitive. Why did they change it? It worked fine years ago when you could download the software. I tried it using Google Chrome as well as Internet Explorer and it's just so fickle. Is it user error?

I'm trying use this idea of lower 20" and 30" glass cabinet doors with 15" solid upper doors with the 20" glass doors being above the sink area. My kitchen is much smaller though.

We are adding a dishwasher.

This is what I've been able to add so far but I can't seem to get the software to raise or lower the 15" cabinets so I can add the 20" and 30".

We will be removing the top portion of the opposite wall (as pictured below in apartment with same layout) so I did not attempt to place upper cabinets on that wall.

This is our kitchen.

Existing floor plan (sort of) since there is no door across from our sink. It's a solid wall that cannot be moved.

Floor plan we are trying to emulate with open kitchen

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