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Need help with soil test results in Seattle

9 years ago

I recently got test results from Logan Labs and I need help making sure I don't screw my lawn up too badly! Initially I figured I would add Ca to a desired value, then ratio the Magnesium at 1/10 the Ca, then ratio the Potassium to the Magnesium... But it turns out it's not that simple when you're just learning about all this. Thanks in advance for any help!

Lawn is a cool season mix of fine fescue and perennial ryegrass. We had a hard summer (drought/record heat) but Fall will be here soon!

The damage so far:
-3 weeks ago added 30lbs/1,000 sq ft pennington ast lime. Whoops, I didn't know this was 98% Calcium Carbonate and it's not supposed to be used at this high dose. Lawn isn't really yellowing too bad (yet)

Items on hand:

1) 20lbs potassium sulfate

2) 12.5lb bag of Scotts 32-0-4 good old synthetic

3) Two 50lb bags soybean meal

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