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New stepmom, husband has full custody of children

9 years ago

I am a newlywed, as in six weeks, to the man of my dreams, an amazing man with a heart of gold. I came out of a very abusive 18 year marriage and have four children from that marriage, 20, 18, 13, and 11. Their father now wants nothing to do with them. Two of them are in college but two are with us full time buty children are very independent individuals. They are easy and laid back kids. He also has two children and he has come out of a marriage that also was very dis functional, he has full custody of his ten and seven year old with her having every other weekend visitation. The problem is his kids are extremely needy, their tanks are so empty of a mothers love and affection that they constantly want that from me and I honestly am feeling very exhausted and my children are becoming jealous due to the lack of time they receive from both of us and they have no biological father wanting to contribute to anything. The other issue is that they rarely go to their mother's home. Which makes it hard for me to have any time with my husband or with my children. He feels that her home is not a welcoming or comfortable environment for them, especially his ten year old son and she has an older daughter that is dealing with a gender crisis at the moment. I agree I do not want the kids in any unhealthy situation, I care and love them greatly but I am feeling a bit let down and rejected and I know my kids need more focus. What do I do? I don't want to upset him or make him feel as if I don't care about their well being but I need a break. I am beginning to feel like I am running on empty and am becoming increasingly emotional. Any advice is appreciated.

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