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All things Citrus 4 August 2015

8 years ago
Hey guys..Sorry..I had to start a new thread because there was a pictre on my last one I was not particularly fond of....Thanks for understanding..
I miss Maggy and wonder how Cory is doing...
Brian, you and the can just picture that..Yikes...I would be mnore careful about running into it and tripping on it and strangling my own I have been one know to be prone to accidents and falling into my pond.ha. I can't believe how much work it takes to set up that greenhouse..Boy, it had better last you for years to come and stay put..That is one of those things you either love wher you set it up and you are stuck with it, or decide after the fact you hate it where you put it and wish you had not put it there.llol You know them storms you saw on radar west of me, I saw them too and I actually chased them and hgot ahead of them in Manchester NH up on a very tall hill..I wish I could post a video here so you could get a glmpse of what I saw and what I was in the middle of..Wow. HUge lightning every second..I could of got Brian, that storm may come right up the Eastern Sea Board on my VACATION! LOL. I have the week of Labor day like you. At least I'll be home to catch my plants and pots as they try and fly I wish I had a Tiger Fig Tree..I would love to have one since to me it is the best fig I have ever tasted!!
Let's see if I can post a video.Not sure how to do that..Oh well I tried buddy...Listen, party!!! lol
Greenhouse partys are always fun..Hugs man!!

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